❇️Chapter 40: School's Play Project (Part 2)️❇️

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Note: On the previous chapter, I ask you guys to vote which AOT boy should be Prince Charming... and surprise, surprise! The lucky AOT boy with the most number of votes is none other than...* drum rolls*



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Well, well... looks like Levi will be your Prince Charming hehe! Anyways, enjoy reading this chapter!


The day of the results for the Cinderella play came. Eren and the others including myself went into the theatre room and as we went inside, we saw the rest of the other class chatting with each other.

We made our way to the list and I check if I get the role or not. Then I spotted my name and my eyes widened. I can't believe it... I got the role.


~Congratulations to the following~

*(Y/n) (L/n) as Cinderella*
*Levi Ackerman as Prince Charming*
*Madison Worthington as Lady Tremaine*
*Lindsay Solo as Drizella*
*Britney Tomas as Anastasia*
*Petra Ral as the Fairy Godmother*
*Marco Bodt as the King*
*Jean Kirschtein as the Duke*

~~~~ Other Roles ~~~~
*Armin Arlert as the Narrator* *Bertholdt Hoover as the Messenger*
*Sasha Braus as Jaq the mouse*
*Connie Springer as Gus the mouse*

Note: As for the rest who are not listed, you can choose from the following and please inform Mr. Park.

+Props and Costume team
+Backdrop Design team
+Music and Lights team
+Cinderella's mice friends
+Background Characters
+Stage Crew Team

If you have any concerns, please approach and inform Mr. Park and Miss Jenny. Congratulations and we wish you good luck!

"OMG! (Y/n), you got the role!" Sasha said as she shakes me back and forth.

"And Levi is Prince Charming! Aww, so romantic~ You two are gonna be so cute in the play!" Hanji yelled.

Then we heard a loud bang so we turn around and Madison just walks in with her head up high and her eyes filled with confidence.

We step back and make way for her.

"Well, I wonder who got the role as Cinderella? Obviously, it's m-" Madison's jaw dropped and her eyes widened. "What... the... hell!"

She turn her head, facing me and her eyes filled with anger and she gritted her teeth.

"How... dare..." Before she finishes her sentence, Miss Jenny and Mr. Park walks in.

"Oh, hello everyone. I've seen you saw the results. For our Cinderella in this play, congratulations (Y/n) (L/n) and for our Prince Charming, congratulations Levi Ackerman!" Mr. Park said as he claps his hands.

Everyone cheered (except Madison and her two friends) and applaud for us.

"Now, does anyone have any concerns or questions or things that needs to be clarify?" Miss Jenny asked.

Without hesitation, Madison raises her hand.

"Yes Madison?"

"Mr. Park... Miss Jenny... How did she" She points her finger at me and gave me a glare. " ...get the lead role and not me?"

"Well... Madison, your performance was okay but we were thinking that (Y/n) is more suitable for the role. The thing is that on how you act as Cinderella... you kinda have this little attitude and we thought you're perfect for the role as Lady Tremaine. While (Y/n), she totally portrayed or show the kind and gentle persona of Cinderella." Miss Jenny explained.

"B-but... but... there must be a mistake." Madison said.

"No Madison, I'm afraid there are no mistakes and you just have to take your role as Lady Tremaine. Whether you like it or not. Is that clear?"

Madison gave me one last glare before she let out a sigh. "Yes."

Mr. Park and Miss Jenny nodded as they call out for the people who are not on the list to follow them and discuss things while us, the main and other characters, will just stay.

"I'm sorry Madison but can we just do this in a nice way perhaps?" I said as I held out my hand to her.

She just stares at my hand for a second and slap my hand away.

"Do you really think I'll go easy on you? I don't think so. I deserved to be Cinderella... and not you." She said.

Levi then grab my wrist and gently pushes me backward and Jean steps in as well while Marco wrapped his arms around me.

"With that snobby attitude of yours, I don't think you can be Cinderella. If you're gonna throw tantrums right now, then we won't stop you and they'll see what a brat you truly are." Levi said, like he's defending me.

"You're lucky that your prince charming is here to come and save you." Madison snarled at me.

"Just pick up your heels and go somewhere else, Madison." Jean said.

"Hmph!" Then Madison walks away while her friends follow her.

"Are you okay?" Marco asked.

"I'm fine. Thanks guys." I said.

"Don't mind her, (Y/n). Just focus on your priorties and get this over with." Jean said.

I smile and nodded.

'Well, I just need to get this over with and I hope I 'll survive.'


Okay, that was a little intense but I hope you still enjoy this chapter.

If you don't know who are Lindsay and Britney, they are Madison's friends. And also, if your name is Lindsay or Britney, I'm sure you're a wonderful person as well and please don't take this too seriously.

Congratulations to Levi, who got the most votes for the role as Prince Charming!(Have fun!^^ But not too much fun hehe)

New chapter coming soon!

That's all!


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