❇️Chapter 39: School's Play Project (Part 1)️❇️

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Semester break is officially over. Now it's back to reality. After mom dropped me off, I walk towards the building and enter.

I walk and listen to the sounds of feet tapping, students chattering about their break and teachers talking about the upcoming school events.

I unlock my locker, open it and grab my stuff.

"Hey (Y/n)." I turn around and saw Reiner, standing beside me with his hands stuffed into his pockets. "Good morning."

"Good morning to you Reiner." I greeted him as I close my locker and as always, he walks me to my classroom.

"Have you heard about the upcoming school's play project?" He asked.

"No but I'm curious." I said.

"Well, I heard that it's a big english project and it's like a class collaboration." He explained. "Two classes will work as one big group and perform on a play and I think the theme is fairytale."

"Oh, that does sounds like a big project. I hope we'll be working as a group with Eren and the others of course." I said, smiling at him.

"Actually before the beginning of semester break, our english teacher told us that my class and your class will be working together. And guess what, Eren and the others, including us, have the same teacher so we just need to work hard and try our best." He said.

I nodded and we arrived at my classroom. Then we said our goodbyes and go on with our day.


English period came and Mr. Park wrote some things on the board.

"Okay class, we won't be having our lesson for today cause in the meantime, we need to discuss about the school's play." He said. "Now, this project will be a collaboration with another class of mine and you'll work together as a big group. There will be three groups in total who will be working on a different play but same theme. You will be group A. For the theme, it will be fairytale. I've already decided with our play and we'll be doing... Cinderella. The other two are doing Sleeping Beauty and Snow White. Later after school, there will be auditions and tomorrow we will post the results and the final decision on the roles. You have three weeks to work on this project so all of you need to work hard and cooperate. "

I'm actually excited to do this big project. Mr. Park just kept on discussing other details about the play until class is over.



The bell rang and last period is over. I pack my stuff and head off to the theater room, where the auditions are being held.

After 30 mins later, I found the theatre room. I walk in and look for Eren and the others.

Suddenly, I felt a hand grab my wrist. I flinch and look up. I let out a sigh if relief and realized it's just Marco.

"There you are. Come on, I'll take you to Eren and the others." He said and we head off.

We spotted Eren and the others chatting with each other.

"Hey guys!" Reiner waved at us and I wave back then we join in.

"(Y/n), you should totally audition as Cinderella!" Hanji said.

"I agree!" Sasha said.

"Oh, that's nice but... I don't think I'm... good enough for the role as a princess." I said shyly.

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