(Y/n) (L/n) is not your average girl.
She is the daughter of a famous fashion designer (a.k.a her mom) and a popular, best-selling author (a.k.a her dad).
And she is known as an inspiring role model for teenage girls around the world.
After practicing a few scenes, we have our break and Mr. Park told us to go to the changing rooms and try on our costumes.
One of the students handed me the Cinderella ball gown which is carefully wrapped in white fabric. It feels a little bit heavy though.
I went into one of the changing rooms and change. I carefully unwrapped the white fabric and the ball gown is absolutely stunning and gorgeous.
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It's blue and very sparkly and it has a lot of layers of underskirts which makes the dress look puffy.
I took my clothes off and change into the ball gown. Once I'm done changing, I pick my clothes and put them into my bag. Then I head out and show it to my friends.
I spotted them already into their costumes, chatting with each other.
"Um... hey guys." I called for their attention. They turn around and their filled with awe and some of the boys' cheeks turn a shade of pink or red and their jaws slightly dropped.
"What do you think?" I asked.
"OMG! (Y/n), you look so gorgeous and you really do look like Cinderella!" Hanji shouted.
From the corner of my eye, Levi walk towards me and he seems to be carrying something. I averted my gaze and look up. He's wearing the Prince Charming costume and I gotta say, he looks amazing.
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"You look... amazing." He said. Then he showed me Cinderella's glass slippers. Well, not literal glass slippers. The shoes are silver and it has a lot of sequins.
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"You can't forget about the glass slippers." He said before he gets down on one knee, holding one of the glass slippers while the other is on the floor.
"May I?"
I nodded and lift up the skirt up to the ankle, with the help of Hanji, and remove both of my shoes.
I slowly slip my foot into the glass slipper and... it fits.
"It fits." Levi said.
Then he gets the other shoe and I slip my other foot into it.
"Thanks." I whispered to him. He nodded and stands up.
Then we heard clapping from the other side. We turn our heads and we saw Miss Jenny clapping with a smile on her face.
"That was absolutely beautiful. We'll add that scene where the Prince disguise as one of the guards and he'll be the one to put on Cinderella's slipper. Okay?" Miss Jenny said as she writes it down on her notebook.
We nodded and she left.
"Alright everyone. We'll extend your break but be back by 1:30." Mr. Park said.
We nodded and I decided to change back into my clothes.
Once I'm changed, I slowly put the Cinderella dress into the mannequin and put the slippers onto the vanity table and head out.
We decided to meet up outside of the theatre room so I head there and realized it's just Sasha, Connie, Eren, Mikasa and I. We wait until the others are done changing.
A few minutes later, they head out of the theatre room and we're on our way to grab something to eat.
"Oh wait, we forgot something. We'll be right back." Marco and Jean said before heading back inside.
We nodded and wait for them.
Marco's POV
We head back inside and we almost forgot our phones and wallet. So we enter the boys changing room and grab them.
Then we walk out and head back outside. But we stop our tracks when we heard Madison's loud voice inside the girls changing room.
Jean and I look at each other for a while and nodded. We pressed our ear against the door and we listen.
"This is the dress that I should be wearing. Not this ugly green dress." She said.
"What are you gonna do with the dress?" One of her friends asked.
"Well, like that one scene when the stepsisters ruin and ripped Cinderella's dress into pieces so she will not go to the ball." Madison said. "But we'll do that later."
"They're gonna destroy the dress." Jean said.
"We have to do something." I said.
"I got an idea." Jean snapped his fingers and we head to the costume designing room. Luckily, there are two of them still in the room.
"Um, excuse me..." I spoke. "But is there a backup Cinderella dress for (Y/n)?"
"Actually, the one that I gave to her is the backup dress. We hide the real dress in this closet." One of them speak up.
So that means it's still safe.
"Thank you." I said and close the door.
I told Jean about the backup dress and he sigh in relief. We head back to the others since we've been taking too much time.
After taking our lunch break, we put our trays away and head back to the theatre room.
I decided to go and check the Cinderella dress and hopefully it's still in one piece.
I open the door and let out a gasp.
The dress is ruined! It's ripped up into pieces and the fabric is all scattered everywhere on the floor. I picked up some of the fabric and head out.
"Guys!" I called out. They turn around and walk towards me.
"What's wrong?" Reiner asked in a worried tone.
"The dress!" I show them the ruined fabric. "I walked in and it's all ruined!"
"Oh no." I turn around and saw Madison and her friends. " Who would do such a thing?" Madison smirked.
I click my tongue and give Reiner the ruined fabric and walk towards her.
"You did this? How could you?" I asked. "The costume design team worked hard on it and you just ruined their hours and effort on making it. Their supplies costs a lot of money."
"Do you think I care? Now, Cinderella will never go to the ball." Madison said and she walks away.
I just stood there shocked and lost in thought.
'Oh no... Now what am I gonna do?'
Hey! I hope you enioyed reading this chapter! Don't worry, the real Cinderella dress is hidden and still safe in one piece. Jean and Marco will save the day on the next chapter.