❇️ Bertholdt Ending ❇️

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"So, I have been thinking about this for a long time and I've made up my mind." I said.

"I choose..."

I walk towards Bertholdt and hold his hands.

"You, Bertholdt." I said.

He looks at me then he looks down then he looks at me again.

"Me? Really?" He asked and he starts blushing.

"Yes. Although, you don't say much but when you do, you always say the most unexpected things. You're a gentle giant. You're also caring of your friends, especially Reiner and Annie. No matter what other people might think of you, you're still the same Bertholdt that I know and love." I said.

"Y-You love me?" Bertholdt asked for reassurance.

"Yes, I love you, Bertholdt." I said.

He looks at the others. "N-No hard feelings, right?"

"Yes." The guys said in unison.

"Thanks for understanding, guys." I said.

"But Bertholdt, can we take things slow? I don't wanna rush everything." I explained.

"It's okay, I understand." He said.

He takes my hand and place a kiss on it.

"I-I love you too, (Y/n)." Bertholdt said.

"Girls! Bertholdt and (Y/n) are officially together now!" Reiner shouted and the girls cheered and walk towards us.

"Congrats guys!" Sasha said.

"(Y/n)," Reiner spoke. "Please take care of Bertholdt for me. He's my best friend and he means so much to me. I'm happy for the both of you." He smiled.

"And (Y/n), congratulations." Annie added.

"I will, Reiner, Annie and thank you." I said and I hug them and place a kiss on Reiner's cheek.

"Thank you again for understanding, Reiner." I said.

He smiled. "As long as both of you are happy, (Y/n), then I'm happy."

"Why don't we head back and have a good time?" Hanji suggested.

"Yeah!" They said.

I told the others to go on ahead and Bertholdt and I will just catch up.

Once they're gone, I look at Bertholdt in the eyes.

"The first time we met, Bertholdt, I used to think that you're kind of scary at first glance because of your height to be honest. But when I got to know you, you're very sweet and gentle." I said as I hold his hands.

"Really? Glad to know that." He said, blushing. "Thank you."

"I'm glad I met you, Bertholdt." I said.

"Me too. And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." He said.

We look at each other in the eyes.

"I know you want to take things slow but... can I kiss you?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded.

He slowly leans forward and I lean forward as well and then...

His lips met mine.

After spending some time alone for a few minutes, we head back to the gym and join the others.

We spend the rest of our time enjoying the last few hours of our prom night.

This is truly a night to remember in my high school life.

During our last years of high school, we continue spending a lot of time together. Bertholdt and I are still dating and we never been so happy.

But we're not the only ones dating.

There's Eren and Mikasa, Sasha and Connie, and even Christa and Ymir.

I'm so happy for them.

The guys and I went on a lot of adventures, road trips and hang out whenever we can.

When I told my parents that Bertholdt and I are officially dating, they were so happy and they've been supporting us.

Graduation Day came and we all graduated together.

I'm gonna miss High School. I experienced a lot of things, get to have opportunities like being in a schoolplay, performing and a lot more. It was a wild adventure.

I told Bertholdt and the guys that I'm going to the same university as them and that means we get to spend more time together.

I don't know how my story will go on but I know it's gonna be a brand new chapter for me.

It's scary but I know I will be okay.

If little me could talk to future me right now, she'll have a smile on her face and I'll tell her all about my high school life.


[AOT] Attack on Titan Various x Reader-High School Life (Modern! AU)Where stories live. Discover now