❇️Chapter 49: A Prom Night to Remember Part 2 ❇️

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Prom is fast approaching. I've seen a lot of a high school movies and I always wanted to experience prom.

All of the dresses montages, getting your nails and hair done, the glamorous prom decorations, the music and dancing and having fun with your friends, feels like a dream or a night to remember.

Mom said she's working on my prom dress and she said that she'll only show it to me once she's done making it.

I'm currently at the gym with the girls and we volunteered to help decorating the gym.

We're all decorating a white fence with fake vines, flowers and fairy lights, which will be used as a nice decoration for the entrance.

"So who's taking who to the prom?" Hanji asked.

"I'm obviously taking Christa to the prom with me." Ymir answered without hesitation.

"I'm going with Eren and Armin." Mikasa answered.

"What about you (Y/n), who do you think is gonna ask you to prom?" Sasha asked.

I look up and all of their attention is on me.

"Um... I'm not sure. I was thinking of going with all of you." I answered.

"What if one of the guys would ask you to go to prom with them?" Hanji asked.

"One of them?" Ymir spoke. "I'm pretty sure all of the guys would do a promposal."

"But still. If you're gonna go with one of the guys, who would it be?" Hanji asked again.

I blink my eyes multiple times.

"I really don't know guys. I just want to go to prom with all of you and have a good time, especially since this is my first prom." I answered as I finish decorating my part of the fence.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Almost 4." Annie replied.

"Oh, I have to get going. I'm meeting up with Miss Jenny." I said as I grab my things.

"Oh yeah, Have you thought of a song yet?" Sasha asked.

"Song? What song?" Hanji asked.

I forgot that I only told Sasha that I'll be performing a song on prom night.

"Um... I'll perform a song on prom night. I forgot to tell you guys. And yes, Sash, I already have a song in mind." I said.

"Well, we can't wait to hear it! Good luck!" Hanji said.

I said goodbye to the girls and I head out of the gym, on my way to the music room that Miss Jenny told me to meet her there.

I arrived at the music room and I knock on the door before heading inside.

I saw Miss Jenny just doodling on the white board.

"Um, Miss Jenny?" I called. "Sorry for making you wait."

"Oh, it's fine. Hold on, let me just finish this drawing. Take a seat." She said.

I sit down and watch her finish her drawing. It looks like a bear. Three bears, in fact.

"Okay, done. What do you think?" She asked.

 What do you think?" She asked

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"Aww, it's so cute." I said as I took a quick picture of it.

"Thank you. Okay, let's get started. Have you thought of a song yet?"

"Yes and I think it's perfect for prom night." I answered.

"All right. What's it called?"

"Enchanted." I replied.

"By Taylor Swift?" She asked.

"Yeah. Do you like Taylor Swift, Miss Jenny?"

"I love Taylor Swift since her debut album." She said. "You?"

"I love her, she's amazingly talented." I said. "Enchanted is actually one of my favorite songs."

"Oh I see. Is there actually you like about the song? The lyrics? The message?"

"Well, while choosing songs, I want to sing a song expressing my feelings for my friends but there's a slight problem."

"What's that?"

"Um... do you still remember Eren, Armin, Levi and the other guys from the school play?"

"Of course, I still remember them. What about them?"

I fiddled with my thumbs. It's a bit complicated to explain. Every since I get to spend a day with each of them every week, I developed feelings for them.

At first, I thought it was just admiration and we're just friends and nothing more than that.

Then when I get to know them day by day, my feelings went deeper than admiration.

I understand their feelings for me.

But in the real world, I know at the end, I am more in love with one of them and I'll end up with the right one while I might hurt the others.

"Well, it's a bit complicated. You see, I finally know and understand their feelings for me. They quite show it a lot and don't hide it that well. And I ended up developing feelings for them. I thought it's just admiration but it became deeper than that. I know in the real world, you can only be with one special person, in romantic terms. I love them but I know I have to choose. I just hope I'll end up with the right one. Not the perfect one but the right one. And I want to let them know that I'm glad I met them and get to know them but I hope in the end, when I realized my true feelings for the right person, they'll understand." I explained.

I look at Miss Jenny and she has a smile on her face.

"You know, you truly are a lucky girl, (Y/n). And no wonder why the guys like you - you're kind, understanding, down-to-earth, and beautiful, inside and out. You're not the only one who thinks this is complicated. I think the boys would feel the same. They fell in love with the same girl and I'm sure they are also aware that in the end, you can only be with one of them and only one of them can be with you and they'll understand. So maybe through this song, you'll get to express your feelings to them." She said.

I smile at her.

"Thanks for understanding, Miss Jenny." I said.

"And thank you for sharing. Well, shall we get started on our vocal warm up exercises?" She suggested.

I nodded. "Yes."

We walk towards the piano and start our vocal warm up exercises.


Hello there! Part 2 of the prom chapter is finally here! Sorry for the long wait after the first part.

We're only down to maybe two or three parts of the prom chapter then we'll get to the separate chapter ending for each AOT guy you'll choose then it's a goodbye after that.

I will upload part 3 soon so please look forward to that.

That's all and thank you for reading!

- emopastelgirl^^

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