Chapter 3

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"OKAY, WE NEED A COOL TEAM NAME!!" Biana practically yelled as they were deciding which Forbidden City they would go to after their groups had walked to a different place in Havenfield .

"If you're trying to fill in for Keefe I don't think it's working." Sophie mumbled. Biana rolled her eyes.

"And if you suggest Team Sparkles..." Fitz said threateningly.

"Fine..." she grumbled. "Where should we go?"

"Um, well, I guess since Keefe only knows like, 3 places in the Forbidden Cities, I guess San Diego, Paris, or London?" Fitz suggested.

"Has Keefe even been to Paris or is it just me, you, Dex, Tam, and Linh?" Sophie wondered.

Nobody had anything to say to that.

"Let's just tell the others what we think and we can just...pick one each I guess." Sophie said after a while. Everyone else just nodded. It wasn't like they had anything better to do.

"Not to be a bossy-pants but I think Group 2 should go to Paris. I don't want Dex to face the trauma and SOME PEOPLE aren't going to let me go there so...yeah." Sophie said when they were all gathered back under Calla's Panakes tree.

"You could never boss us around Sophie, you're Lady Fos-Boss!" Dex said.

"Also, I'd like to add on that Group 2's new name is The Wondrous Murcats," Linh added.

"And I'd like to add that it wasn't any of our decisions to name it that," Marella grumbled. 

"Told you we should've come up with a team name!" Biana hissed to Sophie and Fitz. Sophie just rolled her eyes.

"Here are some Panakes blossoms for each of you guys," she said, passing the out. "Just to be clear Group 2-"

"The Wondrous Murcats." Linh cut in.

"The Wondrous Murcats will go to Paris, right?" Sophie said. 

"Yup," Tam said. "I think you should go to San Diego, since you know the area the best."

"Okay, if you guys don't find anything, go to Florence, Italy, since Keefe has been there. I just want you guys to check out Paris in case Keefe decided to go to the abandoned Neverseen hideout. Since my group's going to San Diego, and the Wondrous Murcats will go to Paris, I guess that means Group 3 will go to London. Make sure you have an obscurer with you at all times, and if you find clues that you think will lead you straight to him, call us with an Imparter and we'll all leap to your spot. Same thing if something bad happens, but leap back here instead. Got it?" Sophie said, out of breath by the end. Luckily, her friends seemed to get it and all nodded.

"Ooh Lady Fos-Boss is on a roll!" Biana said, clapping her hands. Sophie just sighed.

"I guess if there's nothing else, let's go find our runaway!" she said. Her last thought before glittering away was I'm going to find you Keefe Sencen, whatever it takes.

-Soooo, I might have stole that last line from Avengers so if I think of something better, I'll probably replace it. Also, I think now I'll alternate between POVs in this order: Sophie, someone from group 2, someone from group 3, and repeat but instead of Sophie someone else from group 1, and repeat. This way, everyone get's a turn, though idk how to do Keefe's without giving away his hiding spot... Also, if you guys have any cover ideas, let me know in the comments! Last thing, if you haven't already, look at the Author's Note, I added some important stuff. Anyway, hope you're enjoying it!

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