Chapter 5: The Wondrous Murcats: Linh

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Linh breathed in. She loved the rainy air. And the streets of the city of Paris had a lot of it at the moment. Paired with the glow of the lanterns, it felt almost like she, Wylie, and Marella had made it like that.  A tap on her shoulder snapped her back to reality.

"Um, Linh, hate to disturb you're supposed to be keeping the rainwater away from us instead of letting it soak us to the bone." Marella said. Linh flushed.

"Sorry," she said as she drew away the rain from their clothes and hair.

"It's fine Linh," Wylie said, narrowly avoiding getting hit by one of the huge metal machines that humans called cars.

"I can't believe that humans actually go in those things," Linh said. "They're dangerous pieces of heavy machinery!"

"Didn't Sophie say they need some kind of approval or something?" Marella asked. Linh just shrugged.

"We should probably get going."

Marella and Wylie nodded their agreement. Linh tried to remember where the weird sewer catacomb thingy entrance was but sadly, she didn't have a photographic unlike Keefe and Sophie. She sighed thinking about Keefe. She knew he and her brother didn't get along and after what happened in Loamnore... well let's just say she didn't want her brother to feel too much guilt. Her insides really didn't feel good just thinking about it. Wylie said something she didn't here.

"Wait what?" she said, trying to tug out her eyelashes but just making herself wince. How does Sophie do it?

"I said should we ask for directions?" Wylie repeated.

"Oh! Actually, I don't know how that would work. None of us are Polyglots or anything," she said. 

"I know a little of each of the human language. Elite levels, remember?" Wylie said when the girls looked at him in confusion.

"Okay, we can ask for directions then," Linh said. They went into a nearby shop. Wylie said something and the shopkeeper said something and this continued until Wylie turned to Linh and Marella.

"He gave me the directions to the nearest catacomb entrance. He also offered us some coats." Wylie said.

"Oh! Um, tell him sure and ask him how much it costs." Linh said. Wylie said something and the shopkeeper responded.

"He said pick which one you want. He also said we can get some shoes and the waterproof ones are over there." Wylie replied, pointing in the direction of a wall of shelves of shoes. After they quickly grabbed their coats and shoes and paid. Linh waited until they had rounded the corner to remove the water from their new coats. 

When they got to the catacomb entrance, she knew they were on the right track when the alley looked familiar. Linh stared at the dark hole and wished her brother was there to clear the shadows. Now, she realized that this wasn't just about getting Keefe back. It was about doing it fast enough that her brother's mind would break from the guilt. So she took a deep breath and descended down the ladder and into darkness. 

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