Chapter 7: Group 1: Fitz

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Before we began, I know Fitz is not well liked and I can't blame you, the guy has anger management issues! But I'll try to make him toned down and not too obsessed over Sophie. Anyway, to the story!

Fitz stared at Sophie pacing the gutted out halls of her old home, calling Keefe's name. He wished there was something to do to help.

If you need anything, I'm here, he transmitted, making her jump. Anything at all. Sophie grinned. Thanks.

Biana cleared her throat, making them both jump.

"Fun as it to watch you two stare into each other's eyes, we should probably look a little harder for Keefe," she said with a raised eyebrow. Fitz rolled her eyes at her.

"Yeah sure. I'm going to check on the other groups." Sophie said, hail Dex's and Linh's Imparter (because now you can do group calls on Imparters). Linh seemed like she was in a dark place and Dex's feed was bouncing up and down.

"Something wrong?" Dex asked, seeming a little panicked.

"No, just checking up on you guys," Biana said. "Also I was just tired of watching Fitzphie communicate telepathically."

"Ooh, you really got the short end of the straw huh," Linh said. Fitz elbowed Biana.

"Just saying, we are now Team Awesome apparently." Tam said, poking his head into the view of the Imparter.

"Ro's handiwork?" Sophie asked. Maruca nodded.

"Ooh, Fitz and Sophie, we should have a team name!" Biana exclaimed.

"How about the Magnificent Glitter Butts?" Fitz suggested. "It's got a nice ring to it."

"Works for me," Biana said. "Sophie?"

"You guys are ridiculous but since obviously there's no arguing with you, so sure, we're the Magnificent Glitter Butts now." Sophie said. Suddenly Linh's Imparter view went all over the place before showing Wylie and then Linh's face.

"Wait what just happened?" Fitz asked. "Is something wrong?"

"No, Linh's just tripped in the dark." Wylie said. "We should probably turn off the Imparter so SOMEONE can focus on not falling again." Sophie nodded.

"Be careful Linh!" Tam warned his twin as they clicked away.

"Soooo, should we look upstairs?" Biana said, when everyone had clicked off their Imparters. "I can stay here for another sweep while you two go upstairs?" Sophie started to say something when a squeaky voice interrupted, nearly giving Fitz a heart attack.

"I'm going upstairs with you two!" Sandor exclaimed, practically scaring everyone to death. "Why do you look so surprised? Did you just completely forget I was here at all?"

"Sort of..." Fitz mumbled. "But only because you've been so quiet! Also, we've probably been out of the range of the obscurer a lot."

Sandor seemed highly affronted. He let out a rather loud "Hmph" and stalked upstairs. Sophie, Fitz and Biana stared.

"Well, you two are definitely the one's going upstairs now!" Biana said, breaking the silence and sprinting away. After a moment, Sophie trudged up the stairs with Fitz trailing behind her.

"Any place in particular you think we should go if we don't find him here?" Fitz asked. "Not that I  think we won't find him," he added quickly. Sophie stared ahead blankly.

"I don't know."

"Well," Fitz said, giving her a side hug. "I think even if we don't find him now, we'll either find him eventually." Sophie smiled.

"Thanks Fitz. I hope so." she said. Fitz returned her smile.

"Well, I know so."

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