Chapter 13: The Magnificent Glitter Butts: Sandor

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Sandor sighed. How could they forget I was here? I'm so memorable! he thought. Oh well, at least they were happy with their find. Sandor craned his neck.

"What did you find, Miss Foster?" he asked, trying to see.

"A bead, Sandor!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands. "And instructions to for how to make leaping crystals!"

"Not to be a pessimist but doesn't it need, like, a special kind of powder or something? And some numbers?" Biana asked.

"Yeah, they're probably around here somewhere." Fitz said, dropping to his knees and looking around the loose floorboard where they had found the envelope that contained their find.

"Well, there's a gulon symbol," Sandor pointed out. "But I doubt that's meant for much besides telling us the bead and instructions are from him."

"Hmmm," Sophie said, moving around and tilting her head at an angle. "Maybe we just have to look at it differently..."

"It's a gulon sketch Sophie," Fitz said. "I don't think there's anything really special about it. Except for the fact that it's Keefe's new symbol."

"It is, isn't it!" Biana exclaimed, for some reason really excited. "Should we all get symbols? If so, I call a kelpie!"

"Well that's your Team Valiant mascot so I think yours should be a boobrie," Fitz told her, matter-of-factly. "Mine's should be a dragon as a tribute to Mr. Snuggles." Sandor groaned. 

"Can we focus instead of talking about this?" he asked grumpily.

"Sandor's right," Sophie said to the group with a sigh. "I don't see any leaping crystal numbers, or any of that dust stuff we found in Keefe's cloak pocket when we searched his room."

"Why would he give us instructions and a bead that is clearly needed for a temporary leaping crystal, but no other material or directions?" Biana wondered.

"Maybe he's trying to lead us on some kind of scavenger hunt?" Fitz suggested, not sounding very sure of himself.

Sophie sighed. "It's a good theory, and we should check the instructions and the bead, but no offense Fitz, but I just don't feel like we'll find anything."

Sandor put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry Miss Foster, I'm sure our find will be useful for SOMETHING."

Sophie smiled. "Thanks Sandor." She leaned against a wall and slid down into a sitting position.

"If you want, we can go back to Havenfield and wait for the rest of the group." Biana offered.

"I don't know, it feels like we're missing something here." Sophie told her.

"Maybe Sandor can run into the house and ask Edaline for mallowmelt, custard bursts, and Iggy." Fitz said teasingly.

"Wait really?"

"If you want."

Sophie brightened up. "Okay, I guess it wouldn't hurt to go back and wait. I mean, we already found something." 

Biana laughed. "Just like sparkles, treats and Iggy make everything better." 

Sophie pointed at her. "That's one of the most true things I've ever heard. Except for the Iggy part, he most definitely does not make your nose better." They all laughed.

"Ready to go now Miss Foster?" Sandor asked. 

"Yeah, just... give me a minute to walk around here." Sophie replied softly. She wandered out of the room. Sandor followed. While her back was turned, Sandor took out the bright blue elephant in a shirt decorated with vibrant flowers that he'd been toting since the beginning of their trip. He started at it. There didn't seem to be anything particularly special about it, but he could tell it was loved. Sandor handed Ella to Sophie.

"Sandor... you've been carrying this the whole time?" Sophie whispered. He nodded. Then, she threw her arms around him. After a moment Sandor hugged her back.

"You're the best bodyguard ever." she told him.

"And you're the best charge, even if you sneak away a lot," Sandor replied back. "Ready to go back home?" She nodded. They walked back to Biana and Fitz, and right before the light carried them away, Sandor saw Sophie steal one last glance at her former home.

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