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Julie's POV 😝😝😝

Me and Luke walked beside each other and behind the boys. "So about Saturday which is two days away, where are we going." I ask him

"That my girl is for me to know and for you to find out." he says grabbing my hand.

"Well tell me at least what I should wear." I say to him.

"Ok where something you'll be comfortable in." he says as we enter the house.

"Hey dad let me help you get the food to the table." I say leaving luke's side and grabbing the salad bowl and bread plate.

"Thanks Jules." He says as we set the stuff down and sit in our seats. Luke sits in between me and Reggie and alex sits beside carlos who sits next to my dad.

"Ok so how did you three meet my daughter."Dad asked

"Well Mr.Molina we grew up here and we lived a couple of houses down when we were little and me julie reggie and alex grew up together and then when we was seven or eight our parents moved us all to sweden but we all kept in touch and when our parents said we could move out we decided to move so we could be there in person with julie the night of the orpheum thats basically it." Luke explains

"Oh wow so you were childhood friends and please call me Ray." My dad says.

"Yes ray." Luke says.

"Dad I'll get the plates." I say.

Luke's POV

"Dad I'll get the plates." Julie says standing up and grabbing the plates.

"Let me help you jules." I say helping her. We get all of the plates and go into the kitchen she starts washing I rinse. after were done I turn to face her.

"what do you want Luke?" she says teasing me.

"nothing just mesmerized about how beautiful you are." I say leaning towards her.

Julie's POV

"Nothing just mesmerized about how beautiful you are." Luke says leaning towards me.

We was about to kiss. when carlos comes in and interrupts us saying, "Jules Dad wants you too grab dessert but I already think you've had yours." I blush

"GET OUT!!!! I'LL GET IT AND BE IN THERE IN A MINUTE!" I yell and luke grabs the ice cream out of the freezer and I help.

We walk back into the dining room and everyone was just staring at us. I sure hope carlos didn't tell them. Me and Luke hand everyone a ice cream. Once dinner was over dad said, " Ok so you guys can have the three spare rooms Julie you show them where they are since they are right next to your room."

"ok dad." I say grabbing Luke and leading him and the guys upstairs. "ok luke you can have the room next to mine reggie you can have the one across from mine and alex you can have the room next to lukes." I said showing them each of the rooms.

"ok jules." the boys say in unison.

"ok well i'm gonna put my pjs on and wanna do a truth or dare night or twenty questions after while?" I say.

"yea sure where will we play it at?"Luke asks.

"In my room." I say shutting the door

"Ok jules."Luke says.

Thanks guys for almost 100 reads.

But would u rather Juke have their first kiss

Or carrie kiss reggie

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