14. "What do you want caleb?"

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Luke's POV.

"Well,well, well what do we have here." The voice of Caleb said.

"What do you want caleb?" I asked.

"umm nothing just wanted to see if my niece is gonna give yall up yet." He said Looking at Julie.

"never youve already made their lives a living hell now fuck off before I tell my dad about you." She said.

"Oh but if you tell your dad about me then you'll have to reveal the truth about the guys."He said.

"Yeah but he won't care about they are ghosts because weve gotten rid of you once I'm pretty sure he can help me defeat you." She said.

"I doubt he will but Im gonna go to the club now oh and Im suprised luke still here." He said leaving.

"Ok What did he mean about that." I asked.

"umm he cant know about the baby unless he listened to us." She said looking down.

"julie lets go home ok." I said.

"ok fine but lets wait off on telling the guys and my dad." she said getting up.

We went home. Once we were home, we went to the studio and as soon as we arrived Alex said, "Yall are home early why?".

"Umm we had a run in with Caleb but Julie might know a way to stop him but theres a bad side to it." I said.

"Ok whats the bad side first." he asked.

"Julie is gonna have to tell her dad the truth about us being ghost how we are back alive." I said.

"Omg is there another way." Alex said.

"No Julie's dad is the one who knows eveything about caleb hes her dads brother and then we wont have to deal with caleb anymore." I said.

"Ok fine." He said.

"So when are you gonna tell your dad everything Julie?" Reggie asked.

"Umm I dont know we need to figure out why you guys are still here  my mom used to know  everything because of movies so Ill check through some of her old books." She said

"Ok well I'm gonna go upstairs and in my moms study Luke wanna come with." she asked.

"Sure." I said.

We went upstairs, in the house and to one of the rooms on the lower floor I never noticed before. "Hey Julie I didnt know this was here." I said.

"Thats because everyone usually avoids it." She said opening the door, grabbing my hand, pulling me in the room, shutting the door and locking it.

"Hey Jules whats going on?" I asked.

"Umm shhh my dad doesnt like it when people are in here not even me." she whispered.

"Jules you're hiding something." I said.

"Ok fine I needed to tell you something about this thing my mom did with notes on ghosts." she said.

"Ok what is it."I asked.

"She didnt get it off movies she used to talk to ghosts and she found out everything there is to know." she said.

"Hold on lets wait off on the search through these books." I said stepping closer to her and leaning down and kissed her. She kissed back harder.

"Jump." I whispered and she did. We kissed each other until we came up from air.

"I love you Luke." She whispered resting her forhead against mine.

"I know you do and I love you too." I said smiling and looking in her eyes they were shining with so much love.

"Luke I haven't been in here for a long time." She said

"Is it hard to be in here." I asked.

"A little but not much anymore"she said.

"Here do you wanna put this off till tommorrow." I asked trying to be caring.

"No not really because I need to tell my dad before its too late." She said unwrapping herself from my waist.

"Ok lets get to it then." I said going over to the bookshelf.

"ok the books on the ghosts coming back to life or not crossing over should be right here."she said going over to the end of the case and grabbing a book and opening it.

Is that it." I asked.

"Yep and according to the table of contents its on page 13."she said going to the page.

"If a ghosts can touch a lifer and then after the fact other lifers can see them and touch them then that means one of the ghost is the lifers soulmates mainly the one he/she likes or loves." She read aloud.

"So that means I'm you're soul mate?" I ask.

"Hold on theres something else. The Lifer also has the power to revive 3 ghosts that he/she consider family or friends." she continued.

"So thats why people can see and touch alex and reggie." I said.

"Yeah ok enough of this Luke I need to tell you something."she said.

"Ok what is it now?" I said arching a brow.

"Umm I talked to your mom and invited her to a house party where we are playing this weekend please don't get mad Luke." she said

"I'm not mad but why do that Julie she thinks I died." I said.

"Luke when she sees you you can talk to her and appologize for running out on her and then explain everything and don't be scared I'll be right by your side." she said.

"Ok fine Lets go to bed." I said.

"Ok well I'm gonna sleep in my room tonight so you're gonna have to stay In your room or my dad will kill us both."she said..

"ok Well goodnight." I said going upstair.

"Goodnight." She said Locking the door behind her and putting the key back in its hiding spot.

Julies POV 

I hid the key back under the rug and went upstairs took a shower and got ready for bed.

I turned on my tv and turned on the vampire diaries. My phone buzzed.

Flynn:hey  did you tell luke about the baby


Flynn:ok gtgt gn


After that I fell asleep.

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