Chapter 9 In Stereo Where Available

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Simmons: Alright hit it!

Simmons was on the gunner position, Ruby was in the passenger seat, and Sarge was driving! The trio passed by the tank!

Church: *coughs* Who the hell tried to blow me up with a grenade? And why am I coughing? I don't have lungs.

The Warthog then drove over a hill, gaining some air and going right above Church!

Sarge: Yeehaw! That a cowboy!

Simmons: Hey Sarge, hold on a sec.

The maroon soldier jumped off the turret as the Warthog came to a stop.

Simmons: Did you see something weird Sarge?

The Simmons caught a glimpse of ghost Church, but the Blue disappeared. Sarge then got out the car.

Sarge: Yes I did. Once when I was a small child, I saw a man who claimed to be my uncle do those thing with a garden hose that's till haunts me to this-

Ruby: What the heck are you talking about?

Simmons: Yeah, I meant did you seem weird something just now? Like five seconds ago.

Sarge: Oh, then no.

Simmons: What was all that stuff about your uncle?

Ruby: Guys, remember, Blue attack.

Sarge: Oh right.

He and Simmons got back in the jeep.

Ruby: Now floor it!

*With the Blues*

Tucker: Hold it right there hombre!

Tucker and Caboose caught up to Lopez.

Tucker: I told you throwing the grenade through the teleporter would work! Church is gonna be so impressed!

Caboose: And Sheila will love me again and this time for who I am, not just for my stunning good looks. But for those too.

Lopez: (Spanish) Damn these Blue bastards. They really are as stupid as they look.

The Warthog was parked behind them in the distance.

Caboose: *deep voice* Your soul is the cavern of lies.

Tucker: What the hell are you two talking about?

Lopez: (Spanish) You may have won this round, but your cruel reign of tyranny will be shortlived. The Red people will be avenged!

Tucker: Yeah, yeah, yeah, nobody cares. We need you to fix our tank.

Lopez: (Spanish) Never will I work for the enemy. May a pox be upon your soul and your house. Long have my people suffered, but very soon we will see the coming of a new day!

Lopez began to see his primary objectives, which read "1. FIX EVERYTHING, 2. HATE THE ORANGE ONE, 3. CALL MOM MORE OFTEN."

Lopez: (Spanish) The Dawn of our time is near, and when the darkness befalls your people the workers of the field will know that this is their moment.

Tucker: Man, and I thought Church talked too much! You think if I kick him in the switch he'll shut up?

Caboose: Um, Tucker. I think we should be in the going off the running now. The last running.

Tucker: Oh crap!

*With the Reds*

Simmons raised the chaingun.

Sarge: Hold your fire there Simmons! This is payback time!

Simmons: Go for it sir!

Ruby: Payback for what? I stopped you from getting crushed by this thing.

Sarge: Payback for what could've happened!

*With the Blues*

Tucker: That's right, we're just casually strolling away. No cause for concern.

The cyan soldier backed up.

Caboose: Running time!

Caboose dashed!

Tucker: NICE AND CASUAL MORON!!!!!!!!!

The two sprinted towards their base as Sarge drove forward!

Lopez: (Spanish) Yes, yes, run away you cowardly dogs! Be it known that the great Lopez has won this day and. . .

Simmons: Aim for that one right in the middle Sarge!

Sarge: Way ahead of you Simmons!

Lopez turned to the jeep.

Lopez: (Spanish) What is happening? You've given me no choice.

Lopez activated a remote destruct sequence.

Simmons: We've got you now, you blue bastard!

Ruby: Uh, do you guys hear a beeping sound?

The bottom of the Warthog exploded and was sent flying into the air!

Ruby: WHAT THE HECK?!?!?!?!?!?!?

She jumped out of the thing before it hit the ground while it crashed with Simmons and Sarge inside, the two falling off directly after.

Lopez: (Spanish) I'm sorry father.

The Blues returned.

Tucker: Alright, not bad robot dude!

Caboose: I knew he would save us! I knew it! Robot people always like me! It's because of my awesome dancing.

Lopez: (Spanish) My spirit is broken. My people have betrayed me and now all is lost. Do with me what you will. . . .

Tucker: Yeah, okay man. Can you just shut up and fix our tank?

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: Season TwoWhere stories live. Discover now