Chapter 19 K.I.T. B.F.F.

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Tucker and Church were outside.

Tucker: So Sheila and Lopez were just gone when you got back here.

Church: Yep, they even left a note. Says they've gone off to start their own robot armor.

The note was right next to the Blue Base's entrance.

Church: That's great.

Tucker: Didn't they have a non-compete clause?

Church: Also says they want us to meet them in the middle of the canyon at 0600 to discuss the terms of our defeat and/or surrender. 0600, what does that mean?

Tucker: Isn't that when we're supposed to meet the Reds?

Church: It means six o'clock right? Si- or does it mean six hun- 0600. Does six hundred mean minutes? Six hundred minutes? Because that's because ten o'clock. Is it six o'clock or is it ten o'clock?

Tucker: Man, we should really get a day planner or something, 'cause this shit's just getting ridiculous.

*With the Reds*

Ruby and Sarge had made both robots, which were on the roof. One was cobalt, the other was black, curtesy of Ruby deducing who they were for. Simmons arrived and walked up to them.

Simmons: How's it going?

Ruby: Pretty good actually.

Sarge: With these new color-coded instructions, building robots has never been easier! Now all the thousands of mistakes I've made in my previous efforts seem laughably obvious!

After a few moments, Grif came up the ramp.

Grif: Hey, guys, it's almost time. Are the robots ready yet?

Sarge: Just puttin' on the finishin' touches! Gentlemen, gentlelady! Allow me to introduce- Princess Francisco Montegue Zanzibar!

He pointed at the black robot before pointing at the cobalt one.

Sarge: And this one over here is robot number two.

Grif: Why didn't this one get a fancy name?

Sarge: Let's just say somebody has an over-clocked sass-back clip and rejected all the names I came up with!

Ruby: You also didn't let me help.

The Reds could practically see the pout through her visor. A flute sound then came out of the cobalt robot.

Sarge: That's okay, I can even use it to my advantage! I made some special modifications on numero dos!

Ruby: He didn't let me see what he did, so now I'm both curious and absolutely terrified of what he put in the thing. All I know is that he put a lot of stuff in it.

Sarge: Check it out. Robot Number 2! CODEWORD. . . dirtbag.

The robot beeped to life before punching Grif!

Grif: OW! HEY!

Sarge: Hehehe. Pretty nifty, huh?

Ruby: No.

Simmons: That's awesome sir! Lemme try, lemme try! *clears throat* CODEWORD, Dirtbag!

It beeped and punched Grif again!

Grif: Ow.

Ruby: Stop it you two.

Sarge/Simmons: Yes ma'am!

Grif: Two of us can play at this game, codeword dirtbag.

And it punched Grif again.

Grif: Aw, son of a bitch.

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