Chapter 13 Me, Myself, and You

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Tex and Chuch stood before Caboose in Caboose's mindscape.

Caboose(Caboose): So you're from the outside. That's where the other is from as well.

Church: The other, wait, you mean O'Malley? Have you seen him?

Church(Caboose): You think Mister Caboose would miss something like the sleepy douchebag fuck?

Church: Alright, hold on a second. Who the hell are you?

Church(Caboose): My name is Church, Butt wiping ass munch!

Church: This guys is kind of an asshole.

Tex: Yeah, we've met.

Church(Caboose): And I'm Caboose's best friend, so don't get any ideas about kissing up, you lip-licking fuck suck!

Church: Okay, there's a lot of stuff in that sentence that I didn't like.

Tex: Just play along Church. We're gonna need these guys if we're gonna find O'Malley.

Church: Fine, whatever.

Caboose(Caboose): If you want to find O'Malley, I suggest we talk to the Reds first. He tried to recruit them against me early on.

Meanwhile, Caboose's Tucker was running around frantically.

Church: The Reds? The Reds are here?

*With the Reds*

Grif: Well, are you sure you left the part in there?

He, Donut, and Ruby stood before the Warthog.

Donut: Hm, think so. Wait, yes, no, wait. . . wait. . . wait. . . Wait.

Ruby: I'm going to go insane. Donut, grab the dang part.

Her command shut him up.

Donut: Y-Yes ma'am!

*With Tucker*

Tucker: Okay, well, looks like we're close enough!

Tucker was driving Sheila while Lopez followed them. The three neared the Red Base.

Tucker: Now if I could just find the break on this thing. . . . Ah, must be this button.

Sheila: Do not touch that button.

Tucker: Oh, sorry. Hmm, maybe it's this one.

Sheila: Do not touch me.

Tucker: You know, for a girl your size, you're kinda sensitive.

*With the Reds*

Donut: That settles it, the part is not here.

Grif: So this was all a waste of time, great.

The orange soldier walked away and began heading towards the base, but turned. . . .

Grif: Oh crap!

He spotted the Tank heading right towards them!

Donut: Oh you're back.

Grif took cover behind the Warthog.

Ruby: Grif, why are you searching the jeep again?

Grif: There's a giant tank out there that's about to steamroll right over us!

Donut: What?!

Ruby: Are you kidding me?!

Donut and Ruby peeked over the jeep and spotted it as well.

Donut: Oh god, it's true! I'm totally freaking, freaking out!

Ruby: I really hate that god forsaken tank!

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: Season TwoWhere stories live. Discover now