Chapter 15 Aftermath, Before Anomaly

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Vic: Paging Dr. Dude to the radio, stat! I need twenty CCs of what the hells going on there, dude.

DuFresne was in a cave, just waking up.

Doc: Ugh, what happened?

Vic: Hey, you tell me, dude. One second we're talking about a hole in the wall, and the next thing I know you turn into Grumps McGurt. Sounded like you needed a lozenge. Threatened to eat my children. Not very cool dude.

Doc: Jeez, did I really? I'm sorry. Something went wrong with my radio and I heard this weird beeping, honking-

Vic: Hey, no offense taken, dude. Dot got any kids anyways.

Doc: What?

Vic: Old Vic's been through the ship and stitch. If you know what I mean.

Doc tried to talk, but Vic kept talking over him.

Doc: Look, I found something really weird here at Blood Gulch Outpost Alpha.

Vic: Roger that, what did you find?

Doc: It's. . . It's like a. . . It's like a thing.

Vic: It's like a thing. . . Okay dude. Thank you for the update. I'll be sure to alert the chief of staff.

Doc: Sorry I'm-

Vic: Move to Defcon 1.

Doc: I'm just a little dazed. It's a big thing. It's purple, it's uh, it's a big purple thing.

Vic: Use your words dude!

Doc: I don't know. It looks like some kinda alien artifact. Do the aliens have, like, a home base or something here?

Vic: I don't know dude. Why don't I just consult my Extra Terrestial Travel Guide for ya. Oh, look! Got a great series of alien bed and breakfasts there. Lucky you.

Doc: Never mind, I'll just figure it out myself.

Vic: Nothin' about big purple things, though. Maybe it's some kind of alien vehicle.

The medic turned off his radio.

Doc: Man, that guy is such a jerk. The next time, he talks to me like that, I'm gonna tell him to go straight to H-E-double hockey sticks. Oh I really shouldn't talk like that, that's not very nice.

Suddenly, the rogue A.I. took control of the Doc.

O'Malley: If I ever meet him, I'm taking his eyes as souvenirs!

Doc: Woah, that was unlike me. I must be stressed out, time for yoga!

Unbeknownst to him, he was doing yoga right next to a vehicle known as the Covenant Ghost.

*With the Blues*

Ghost Church and Tucker stood outside their base.

Church: How's Sheila doing?

Tucker: I'm not gonna lie, it's not looking pretty. She may have twisted her differential, possibly some structural damage. Could be a disk.

Church: You have absolutely no idea why you're talking about, do you?

Tucker: Yeeeeah, no. Not a clue.

Church: What about Tex? Any sign of her?

Tucker: No, no Tex. Is it unusual for her to disappear like that?

Church: When we were dating, she would sneak off all the time. But it was usually to sleep with other guys or to spend money she'd taken out of my wallet. And since I don't have any money, and. . . well. No offense to you Tucker, but. . . .

Tucked: You're a dick.

*With Ruby*

The magenta girl was in her room, polishing her SMG, when a soft beep echoed in her helmet.

Ruby: Welcome back Allison.

Allison: Hey Ruby. . . . You seem mad.

Ruby: I am.

Allison: What did Tucker do?

Ruby: Nearly crushed me with a tank.

Allison: Oh.

A miniature Tex floated in front of her.

Ruby: Mind explaining what's going on to me?

Allison: Not yet! I'm still figuring out what's going on.

Ruby: Tell me so I can help then.

Allison: Sorry Ruby, but I really don't want to get you involved in all this.

Ruby: Allison, I can handle myself.

Allison: I'm serious Ruby. I can't let O'Malley get to you!

Ruby: O'Malley?

Allison: Aw Crap.

The girl removed her helmet, letting her helmet light project Tex up.

Ruby: Allison, please let me help. . . .

Allison: I'm sorry, but I can't. Not until I understand what's happening. . . .

The A.I. vanished. . . . The magenta girl let out a despairful sigh.

Ruby: Please stay safe. . . .

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