Chapter 1: New home

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Haru's P.O.V

"Kimimaro!" I called out.

I was running through the forest. It was night time the forest was almost completely dark except for the moonlight. I yelling for my older brother hoping he would catch up soon after dealing with those guys.

I continue running and calling his name not realize that I was about to fall into the river. I started yelling again for my older brother Kimimaro hoping he come soon to save me and I try to swim to shore until everything started fading away.

I heard the sound of people talking. I try to move but felt a pain shoot through my head. I let out a small whimper due to the pain.

"It seems that the girl is awake," A soft voice said. I couldn't really tell if it was female or male speaking.

"Yes, it seems so," A serious voice said. I was guessing the second voice was an older person because they sounded old.

I slowly open my eyes to see three people standing inside the room I was in. I had no idea where I was but could tell that It looked like some kind of hospital.

I looked at the three people. One was a guy wearing a black cloth on his head with some symbol on it and had scars all over his face.

The next person was a woman with blue hair tied into a ponytail, she had beautiful purple color eyes and she was wearing a black headband.

The last person was a wrinkled old man wearing a red and white hat and wore a matching robe. I looked with confusion wondering who these people.

"Hello child, my name is Sarutobi Hiruzen, the third hokage. What is your name?" He asked in a kind tone?

I looked at him wondering why he was being nice. The Mizukage was never nice well at least not to people with Kekkei Genkai. Even my clan wasn't nice to me and my brother because they were afraid of us only mom and dad weren't afraid.

I narrowed my eyes a little wondering if I should trust him or not. I probably didn't have much of a choice if I wanted him to tell me where I was.

"My is Haru Kaguya," I said.  "Also if you don't mind me asking where am I?" I asked.

"You are at the hospital located in the Hidden leaf village," The old man replied.

I was surprised I didn't think that the river would carry this far away from the Hidden mist village. Will big brother Kimimaro be able to find me?

"Well my child, we're going to ask you a few questions, the person to my right is Anka, and the person to my right is Ibiki."

I nodded.

"The first  question how old are you?" Hokage asked.

I'm 7 years old," I answered.

"How did you end up in the river?" Ibiki asked in a serious tone.

"I was walking well more like running through the forest and fell into the river," I replied.

"Why were you running?" Ibiki asked.

"I was trying..." I didn't finish what I was saying as memories of my clan's dead bodies flooded into my head along with me and my brother being locked up. I started trembling and I guess it was noticeable.

"How about we come back to that later. When was the last time you ate because you are underweight ?" Anka asked.

"I ate but it wasn't much of a meal," I stated dryly, not sharing details on how the clan head feed us.

"Okay while you were being treated they found a couple of bruises on you what are they from?" The hokage asked.

"It none of your business," I said rolling my eyes.

They looked at me probably surprise at my sudden change of behavior. It, not my fault I was never one to talk about my problems my older brother knows that better than anyone. That's why he never asks me how I feel about the death of our clan.

"Back to why you were running in the forest?" Ibiki asked sternly.

"That a long story," I said hoping he would stop asking.

"I have time."

"Well, I don't feel like talking about it!"

I could tell that Ibiki was getting annoyed but I didn't care. I don't like talking about my problems so keep it to myself.

"Ibiki calm down, child you need to tell us. We need to know if it is safe enough to let you stay in this village," The hokage explained.

I sighed and look up at the ceiling causing my head to hurt. Guessing I hit it on something when I fell into the river.

I wondering If I should tell him the village seems but do I want to s stay here without my older brother. My brother would want me to be safe so I guess I could open up a little.

I looked the old man straight in the eyes.

"I was previously locked up in a cave/dungeon. I was treated like a monster along with my older brother. That why I have bruises and underweight," I said forcing myself from wanting to cry.

"How you get out? And were your brother?" Ibiki asked.

"We were let out by the clan head because wanted to use us to help in the cope tired of the Mizukage treating us badly. The clan was killed expected for me and my older brother so we left the village sadly I got separated from him."

"Why did you help them when they kept you locked up?" Ibiki asked.

"It gave me a reason why I was still alive with barely any food to eat. So I with ahead and used my kekkei Genkai that was advanced for kids my age and my brother's age to fight. Plus I hated how the Mizukage treated people with a kekkei Genkai."

Ibiki raised an eyebrow probably confused about what I meant by it gave me a reason to why I was still alive.

"Well my child you can stay in the village, However, I want you to stay with Anka," The old man said.

I stared at the old man in shock and then at the woman. 'I would be staying with that woman.' I thought looking at the blue-haired woman.

"Lord Hokage," Anka began.

"It an order," The old man said. "Besides I know how much you and your husband have been trying to have a child."

"Hai Lord Hokage we take care of her," Anka said giving me a kind smile."Once you are allowed to leave the hospital. I will take you to the house I live in with my husband," she said.

'Will I actually be safe here with Kimimaro.'


Hey lovely readers!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I made sure to make it longer than the prologue was.

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1. What is your favorite part?

2. What did you think of her getting put under the care of an Oc?

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