Chapter 10: Misson to The Land of Waves

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Silently jumping across the tree, I follow our target Tora as he scurries across the forest floor. Fast, cunning, and deceiving, the brown feline tricks us all as he escapes every trap, making us look like fools. Right we watch as he leisurely walks through the forest, mocking us because we can't catch him. Its tail flicks side to side as if it was checking the vibrations around him.

''For a cat, he quite bright. Involving the traps now using his tail to see how close we are.'

"Sasuke, point B," He said through the comlink.

"Sakura, point C," Her voice rings, though.

"Haru, Point D, I said into the earpiece.

There was a sudden moment of silence.

"Naruto, point A," Naruto said after a few minutes.

"Naruto, you're too slow," Kakashi's voice rang in my ear.

"The target is on the move! Follow it," He instructed.

Jumping from the tree, I ran a reasonable distance as I trailed the small feline. Hiding behind a tree, I stay a few meters away. So it wouldn't feel my vibrations and run away again.

"What's your distance?" Bakashi asked us.

"Five meters," I replied.

They all reply with the same distance length, not wanting to disturb or scare the cat away. We already had to chase the cat through the village and didn't want to chase the cat throughout the forest.

"I'm ready; just give the signal," Naruto said.

"Me too," Sasuke replied as well.

"Ready here," Sakura added in.

"I have been ready," I said boredly and quietly.

Silence rings through the air, making us wait in anticipation. One wrong move, and everything will fall apart. I was breathing steadily as I waited for the incoming signal.


Running through the forest, everyone goes after the brown feline. Spotting us, its eyes gleam a yellow shine as it meows at us in surprise. Naruto's the first one who reaches Tora first, instantly grabbing the cat.

"Target capture," I sated.

"Does it have a red bow?" Kakashi asked.

"Affirmative," Sasuke replied.

"Good. Capture pet Tora is a success," Kakashi confirmed.

I looked to see Naruto sprawled on the floor as he held well squeezed Tora away from his face, which seemed to be all scratched up.


I winced as my ears rang due to the deafening scream. My face scrunched up in pain as a headache began to form. I narrowed my eyes, pulling out the ear before anyone else made my head pound.

I walk up to Naruto and snatch the wailing cat from his hands and softly embrace it. With a gentle touch, Tora snuggles up in my chest before purring. I smiled.

"Pretty kitty, little ball of fur," I said while petting the cat, putting it into a peaceful state.

"Hey?! No fair, why is that beast being friendly to you!" Naruto exclaimed, angrily pointing a finger at the purring Tora.

"First, she is a cat, not a beast. Second I wasn't squeezing her, and my parent's clan specialist in cats," I replied, giving a blank look.


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