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A young boy around the age of ten years was walking through the forest with a little girl who was about seven years old close by his side.

The boy had white shoulder-length hair, green eyes, and two red dots on his forehead.  He was wearing a green kimono, grey pants, and black ninja sandals.

While the girl next to had white hair a little bit past her shoulders,  green eyes, and two red dots also on her forehead. She was wearing a light purple kimono, black pants, and blue ninja shoes.

"Ugh," The young girl groaned having trouble continuing walking.

"Come on Haru let's keep walking we have to keep going," The older boy said looking at the young girl now known as Haru next to him.

"Come on Big Brother Kimimaro can't we stop to rest?" Haru asked.

"If we don't continue walking Haru we be found and put back into that dark prison," The boy now known as Kimimaro said to his little sister Haru.

"The clan dead so the clan head can't lock us back up," Haru said.

"Yeah, the Mizukage could once he finds us." He said. "We have to get farther away from the village then we can rest. We have a better chance to relax without being found."

"Alright," Haru said.

Kimimaro picked up the pace so they could get out here faster. Haru sped up so she wouldn't get separated from her older brother.


Haru and Kimimaro have been walking for another hour now.

When Kimimaro then suddenly pull a bone out of his shoulder.

"Big Brother what going on?" Haru asked.

"Stay back!" Kimimaro said defecting shuriken that were heading towards him and his sister.

Both kids looked up to see your people wearing ANBU mask and blue uniforms. That signal they were ANBU from the Hidden Mist village.

"ANBU," Haru whispered hugging her older brother's leg.

"Kaguya siblings you're coming back with us to the Hidden Mist village," one of the masked guys said.

"Stay back I deal with them," Kimimaro commanded.

Haru nodded and was about behind her older brother when she was cut off by one of the masked men about to attack her.

"Get away from my sister!" Kimimaro shouted as he saw them about to hit her.

He quickly blocked the attack."Haru get out of here. I fine you after I deal with them," Kimimaro said.

"No, I don't want to leave you."

"Go it not safe to stay here!"

"Fine but you better find me."

"I will."

Haru nodded and ran off while Kimimaro fought the ANBU off.


Haru was running from the direction her older brother was fighting in.

Not paying attention to where she was going making her off a cliff into a river.

"Ahh!" Haru screamed trying to swim to shore.

"Big Brother please hurry I need," Haru said having trouble swimming through the sudden increase of the water current.



A person with a red hawk mask and a black and grey uniform was walking past a riverbank. When he spotted an unconscious Haru floating in the river.

"Guys come here!" He said pulling Haru out of the fiver.

Two other people dressed similar to him walked over to him, but they were wearing a red snake and wolf mask.

"What is it hawk?" A female voice asked the guy in the hawk mask.

"Yeah, why you call us over here?" A male voice asked.

"I found a young girl floating in the river," Hawk said showing them the unconscious girl.

"Her face," The female voice said.

"What about her face wolf?" Hawk asked.

"The markings she a Kaguya," Wolf said. "What  a young member from a clan from the Hidden Mist doing in the river?"

"I knew something seen familiar about the dots on her forehead," The guy wearing the snake mask said. "She must have somehow fallen into the river and ended up floating here."

"Snake right she must have fallen," Hawk said. "Anyway, for now, we should take her back to the Hidden Leaf village. The Hokage will know what to do with her we can't just leave her in her wet clothes," Hawk said.

"I agree she could end up sick and someone might try to attack her if they see her alone. It best that we get her out of here at least until the Hokage tells us what he wants to do with her," Wolf said taking the girl and carrying her like a baby.

"Are morning patrol outside the village gates is completed, " Snake said walking back towards the village gate with Wolf and Hawk.


Hey lovely readers!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It is a little bit short since it was just the Prologue.

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Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day.


1. What is your favorite part?

2. How do you think Haru will react to be in the Hidden Leaf village?

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