Chapter 6: Gradution exam

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5-year time skip- 12 years old

Haru's P.O.V

I woke up to my alarm clock going off.   I looked over at my clock and saw that it was 7 am signaling that it was time to get up and get ready for the academy.

I got out of my bed and headed to my bathroom to take a nice lukewarm shower.

Once I was done shower. I went back into my bedroom and got dressed into a light purple shirt and a light purple short-sleeved shirt with a dark purple jacket over it. I was also wearing black ANBU-style pants. Along with blue ninja shoes.

"Alright time to eat some breakfast then brush my hair after," I said looking at my bed hair in the mirror before heading downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast.


I walked into the kitchen to see Anka cooking breakfast.  While dai was sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee.

"Good morning," I greeted taking a seat at the table across from Dai.

"Morning Haru," Anka said.

"Good morning," Dai said giving me a warm smile.

I gave him a small smile back. I will admit that after five years of living with them. I have actually grown to enjoy living here with Anka and Dai. They're not my brother or family but aren't bad people. I guess they are sort of like my new family.

"So are you ready for class today?" Anka asked drawing me out of my thoughts on how my life has changed since when I first started living with them.

"Yeah more excited for the graduation exam coming up," I replied.

"Yeah the academy can be pretty boring when you already know most of the stuff they teach you already," Dai said.

"True," Anka said. "Anyway here your breakfast," she said placing a plate of toast and bacon along with a glass of a strawberry banana smoothie.

"Thanks looks good," I said picking up a piece of bacon and eating it.

"It sure does dear," Dai said smiling at Anka as she brought him his food. "Glad I didn't have to leave early for work today."

"True you usually good to work earlier for border patrol being part of the security section of the ANBU," Anka replied.

"Yeah well, the hokage gave me time off he wanted to talk with me later today."

I continue to eat my breakfast and drink my smoothie in silence hearing some and  Dai and Anka conversation every now and then. I wasn't paying much attention to it since they talking to each other not me.

"What do you think he wants to talk to you about?"

"I don't know just hope he not taking me out of the ANBU to make me one of the sensei for the future genin."

I stood and took my dishes to the sink once I was done eating my breakfast and drinking my smoothie.

I then headed upstairs to brush my long white hair that was down to my back and had a left stopping on the left side of my forehead and bang on the right that with down to my cheek.

After brushing my bed hair and grabbing my tool pouch. I said goodbye to Anka and Dai and left for the ninja academy.


I arrived at the academy and saw that Iruka-sensei wasn't here yet. Which was strange since class starts in ten minutes.

I shrugged and took a seat next to Hinata.

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