Chapter 2: New family

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The nurses were putting some ointment on my bruises that were getting close to being fully healed. Today I was being released from the hospital after being made to stay here for one more day.

The nurses left and told me to wait here for Anka to come to pick me up to take me to her new home.

I talk to the hokage and he said when I'm older her find me an apartment to live in if I don't wish to live with Anka and her husband anymore.

I heard footsteps and looked to see Anka walk inside the room. She gave me some clothes to put on which were green kimono and black pants.


We walk out of the hospital to head to my new home with Anka. As we were walking my stomach started to growl making me blush a little bit.

Anka looked at me however I just continue looking at the ground. I was still kind of nervous not knowing If I could trust her, after all, I trusted my clan and they locked me and my older brother up.

"What do you want to go eat young one?" Anka asked.

"I don't know. I would be satisfied with crackers," I replied looking down at the ground.

"How about rice," She asked.

I nodded with a small smile remember how my parents used to get me and my brother rice. That was before we got locked up because of the fear of our advanced ability to use our Kekkei genkai at a young age.

I clenched my fist and I try to keep myself from thinking about my brother and my clan. I felt a hand on my head and looked up to see Anka looking at me with a hint of concern in her eyes.

I gave her a small smile reassuring her. That I was okay even if I wasn't really okay.

We finally made it to the rice shop and began eating.


Anka's P.O.V

We were finally at the rice shop. I looked at Haru as she happily ate her bowl of rice. I was concerned about the girl I could tell she was in a lot of pain thinking of her past and her older brother looking at that fake smile of hers.

She lifted her head away from her bowl and looked at me.

"Alright, kid I'll take you to get everything you will need for the Ninja academy which you will be attend starting tomorrow," I explained to her.

She nodded at me with a voted expression. I got up and started walking to the shops we would need to go to.

I looked down at Haru making her look at me then she looked back away with a shrug. I was curious about what strength she has because she obviously wasn't an ordinary kid to survive her clan getting killed for their foolish attempt to start a coup.

'She going to be interesting to raise and train so she not behind in the academy.'


Haru's P.O.V

Anka and I were finally done shopping and were on his way to his place.

The sun was starting to set and I was getting a little tired. Anka was a little bit ahead of me. She stopped and looked back at me.

"Come on we be there in a few more minutes," Anka said.

"Okay," I picked up the pace a little.

After a few minutes, we arrived at a large red house with two cat statues. She took out a key and unlocked the door.

"I'm home!" She called out walking inside.

"Welcome home," A male voice said.

I looked up to see a guy with short black hair with a bang hanging down the middle of his face. He blue eyes, black cat ears on his head, a black tail, and was wearing a green shirt, and grey Anbu pants.

"Who is he?" I asked.

"Haru this is my husband Dai Neko," Anka said.

"Oh," I replied.

"Dai this is Haru the child I told you about living with us," Anka said.

"The girl from the Kaguya clan," Dai said.

"Correct," Anka said.

"Well Haru welcome to the Neko clan with me and my wife," Dai said.

"Um...thanks so is Anka not born a Neko?" I asked seeing she didn't have cat ears or tail.

"Oh, you talking about the fact she doesn't have ears or tail?" Dai asked.


"No, I was born a Neko. I just hate people messing with my ears and tail so I hide them using genjustu," Anka said releasing the genjustu to reveal blue ears and tail.

"I see so you are both Neko," I said.

"Correct," Dai said.

"Anyway why don't head to the second room upstairs In the right and get ready for bed," Anka said. "After you have your first day at the ninja academy tomorrow morning and we ate dinner before heading home."

"I see you in the morning then," I said quietly heading upstairs to my bedroom.

"Goodnight Haru," Dai said.

"Yes, goodnight," Anka said.

I nodded and continue to walking upstairs to put on one of the pair of pajamas Anka had brought me.


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