Chapter 4 : New friends

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I was taking down notes while listening to Iruka-sensei giving a lecture on what chakra is and the different types of chakra natures.

I looked up from my notes when I noticed the purple hair girl next to me looking at the desk on the right close to the front with a blush on her face.

I noticed she was looking at the blonde boy from earlier who looked to sleeping why sitting next to a raven-haired boy.

'She must like that boy based on the blush on her face.' I thought.

I then went back to focusing on my notes until we were dismissed for lunch.


I was now sitting under a tree alone eating the lunch Anka, my guardian, made for me.

When I heard footsteps heading my way, I looked up from my lunch to see the blonde hair boy from earlier heading my way.

"Hey, your Haru, right!?" He asked in a loud voice.

'He a pretty loud kid.'

"Yeah, my name is Haru," I replied with an eyebrow raised, wondering why he came over here.

"Well, I'm Naruto Uzumaki. It's great to meet you, Haru!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Yeah, your the boy who asked about the dots on my forehead," I said.  "Anyway, what brings you here, Naruto?" I asked.

"Do you want to have lunch together," he replied?

I looked at him for a few minutes before speaking up, "Sure, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try and make some friends on my first day here."

Naruto gave me a big smile before sitting down next to me.

"So, what did you bring for lunch?" Naruto asked.

"Oh, it's just some tuna sandwiches and a few rice balk," I said. "You can have a sandwich since it doesn't look like you have anything for lunch," I said, handing one of my sandwiches.

He stared at the sandwich, then at me, then back at the sandwich before taking it in his hand and taking a bite.

"I hope you like tuna; it's my new caretaker and her husband's favorite, so they gave me tuna sandwiches," I nervously said.

Naruto shook his head and shot me a toothy grin, "It's delicious! Thanks, Haru!"

"You can have more if you want some more," I said.

"All right!" Naruto cheered and had another sandwich and a rice ball.

We had finished all the sandwiches and rice balls and were now just talking, getting to know each other better. I was feeling a little bit less nervous about being at the academy for the first time. I then noticed a group of boys heading towards us.

One was a chubby-looking boy with a bag of chips in his hands. Another had dark hair in a ponytail and had a bored expression on his face. While the last one was a boy with a puppy on his head.

I felt myself become a little nervous about the new people walking over.

"Yo, you're the new girl that joined our class today," The boy said, looking over at me.

"Yeah, this Haru, my new friend," Naruto said, flashing the newcomers a grin.

I looked over at the boys and gave them a small wave when I saw them looking at me curiously.

"She seems a bit shy," I heard the chubby kid mumble with a mouth full of chips.

"Yeah, but she actually cool once you get her talking, yet also mysterious doesn't talk much about her past. Through the mystery makes her cooler," Naruto said.

"I don't like thinking about it, but maybe in the future I will tell you about my past," I said, playing with my hair.

They exchanged looks before sitting down with Naruto and me. We started talking a little bit, and I was started to feel more comfortable talking with them. I learned their names and what clan they were all from.

The bell then rang, signaling lunch was now over. I grabbed my lunch bag was getting ready to head inside.


When I arrived back into the class, I saw a boy was sitting in my seat from earlier next to that girl named Hinata.

I shrugged and decided to take an empty seat that was next to Naruto and that Raven hair boy who I still don't know the name of.

"Uhmm, can I sit here?" I asked, walking towards the seat that was in between them.

"Of course you can, Haru!" Naruto said, giving me a huge smile.

"Hn," The raven hair boy said, moving over a little so that I could sit down in the seat.

"Thanks," I said, sitting on in the seat. I then felt like eyes were burning into my back, and I turned around to see girls glaring at me.

I nervously looked back at the front of the class, trying to ignore the uncomfortable glares that were being sent at me.

I let out a sigh of relief when I felt the glares stop, and they were now focusing back on Iruka-sensei, who was now teaching the class again.


After a couple of hours, the bell rang, signaling class was over.

I stood up and started packing my bag, getting ready to leave.

Once all my stuff was packed, I waved goodbye to Naruto and walked out of the class, not bothering to say bye to the ravenette boy since I didn't know his name just saw he had an Uchiha symbol on his shirt.

'He must be an Uchiha.' I thought, walking out of the classroom to see if Anka or Dai was here to pick me up.


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1. What is your favorite part?

2. What do you think of Haru's new friends?

3. Do you want to see more of her time at the academy when she was 7sevenor ready for a time skip to graduation?

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