Chapter 9: Teamwork

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I just wanted to say sorry it's been a while I updated this story. I have been busy working on my story, Child of a Snake.

However, Child of a Snake is getting close to being completed. So I will continue to write this story especially while I have a slight writer's block figuring out the Tsunade arc for my story Child of a snake.

-Now onto the chapter!-

I woke up to the alarm blaring in my ear. I place my hand on the off button, silencing the annoying buzzing sound. Groggily I open my eyes to meet a dimly lit room lit up with a small lamplight. I tore the blankets off my body. The cool temperature of my room meets me.

I repeat my usual morning routine of showering and getting dressed. I was grabbing my bag of weapons. I leave my bedroom and make my way towards the kitchen to eat a small breakfast. My brother always said it is better to train after eating, but don't overeat or you get sick. So I wasn't going to skip breakfast.

My new mother, Anka, should still be sleeping because she doesn't wake up till later in the morning. So the kitchen should be empty. Walking in, I see that I'm wrong. Dressed in his ANBU gear, my new father is eating rice with a side of sushi.

"Morning, father," I greeted with a small smile.

"Hey Haru, what are you doing up so early?" He asked, smiling back at me.

"My sensei said we're doing a survival exercise this morning," I replied with a yawn.

"Who's your sensei?" He asked as he continued to eat his food.

"His name is Kakashi Hatake," I answer as I make myself a nice bowl of fruit.

"What!" He exclaimed, nearly choosing his food. "You mean the Hatake Prodigy. He and my younger sister were in the same class. Kakashi graduated before her at the age of 6. Be wary of him; he's intelligent and strong, don't face him by yourself. Use teamwork," Dai said, his hand resting against his chest.

"At age 6," I said with wide eyes. "Also, how come I only seen pictures of your sister?" I asked.

"Yeah, he graduated at age 6," He said. "Well, Hana's apartment is all the way over near the forest. So we live farther away. Anyway, I have a mission, so I'll see you around later. Bye, little snow angel," He said, kissing my forehead before gett ready to leave the kitchen."However, you might meet her eventually she a jounin sensei herself," He said before he completed exited the kitchen.

I was finishing up my fresh bowl of fruit quickly. I looked at the clock to see that it was 4:38 am. Putting my bowl in the sink and grabbed my bag, and silently walked out of the house.


The morning was barely getting started, birds chirping happily, early risers getting their errands started, shops opening, and shinobi running back and forward from the Hokage tower.

I gingerly walked towards the training ground, whispering a tune that my older brother used to sing to me every morning as the sun slowly rose from the horizon.

Arriving at the meeting point, I'm met with my somewhat awake team members. Sasuke, who is purely awake, had his arms crossed over his chest as he glared at the grass. Naruto is sprawled across the floor, wanting to catch some more shut-eye. Sakura is sitting against a training post, slowly falling asleep as her eyelids droop.

"Hey," I greeted.


"I see that nobody is a morning person. Which is fine with me," I said to myself with a shrug of my shoulders.

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