Chapter 5: Bullies

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I was walking in the hallway of the Academy to head outside to see if Anka or her husband was here to pick me up.

When I heard someone shout. "Hey, you white hair freak!" A female voice shouted.

I turned to see a small group of girls. There was a girl with purple hair and brown. Then a girl with a ginger hairstyle as an afro. The last girl had spiky red hair and big brown eyes.

"What do you what?" I asked wondering why these girls seem upset.

"Who do you think you are acting all cool and sitting next to Sasuke!" The girl with purple hair said with her hand on her hip.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I don't even know who Sasuke is,' I said turning away and trying to continue walking out of the academy.

I was then pushed to the ground by the three girls. The girls then turn kicking and stepping on me.

They then stopped and I thought that we're done, but then they picked me up by my hair. I then saw the one with purple hair who seemed to be the group leader bring her fist up to my face about to punch me.

I shut my eyes waiting for the hit, but it never came. I opened my eyes to see a boy with short white hair, white wolf ears, and a white wolf tail standing in front of me blocking the girl's fist. I noticed a wolf logo on the back of his jacket.

"Leave the girl alone Ami, Kasumi, and Fuki," he said.

"And what are you going to do? Also, why should listen to you?" The girl with purple hair asked.

"It doesn't matter just leave her alone. I may be a year older than you and a class ahead, but I won't stand here and let you bully her as you do with everyone you think you are better than," he stated. "I know who you are Ami and her two followers Kasumi and Fuki." He said looking at the purple hair girl then at the other two.

"Kasumi and Fuki put her down. We leave her alone for now, but we get her next time. You won't always be around to protect her," Ami said freeing her fist from the boy's grip. As the two girls put me down.

"Yeah, you won't be able to do anything if I tell your sensei. He will give you detention when he finds out," The boy stated.

"Whatever we're out of here," Ami said walking off with her two followers.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked turning to face me. I now had a better look at the person who saved me.

I notice he had red eyes and was wearing a grey shirt, black jacket, and a skull neckalce.

"Yeah, thanks um..." I said not knowing his name.

"The name is Kin Ōkami the oldest child of the clan leaders of the Ōkami clan," he said holding out his hand towards me.

'His name means golden interesting.' I thought.

"I'm Haru Kaguya nice to meet you," I said taking his hand as he helped me up.

"Nice to meet you too Haru. I never met anyone from the Kaguya clan but heard of them. They have a kekkei genkai that involves their bones."

"Yeah, the kekkei genkai allows us to use our bones as a weapon," I replied. "Anyway see you later I should be going."

"Yeah I should too my mother should be waiting for me," Kin said.

I nodded and walked off


I was walking outside feeling a sharp pain in my stomach. I realize that those girls must have hurt me more than I thought.

I then felt a hand be placed on my shoulder. "Are you sure your okay?" I heard someone ask.

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