Chapter 11: Demon Brothers

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We walked in silence for a while until Sakura, who was next to me, decided to break the silence and ask Tazuna a question.

"Say, Tazuna-san, you are from the Land of Waves, right," She implied.

"What of it," Tazuna replied roughly.

"Say, Kakashi sensei are there any ninja in the land of the wave?" Sakura asked.

"No, there are no ninja there since they have natural protection from the mist," Kakashi informed us.

I tuned out Kakashi sensei as he began a long explanation about the five great nations alomg with the Kages and how strong they were. Since I already knew this information after all, if it weren't for the Mizukage, my clan wouldn't have turned against the village, leading to their death and my first time killing.

"Hey! You guys just doubted Lord Hokage now, didn't you?" Kakashi asked, scolding my teammates, making me done back in.

'Busted.' I thought, looking at Sakura and Naruto, who had guilty looks on their faces.

"Don't worry; this is just a C-rank mission. So we shouldn't encounter any dangerous ninja," Kakashi explained.

"Well, that's good," I said in a slightly monotone voice.

We continued walking through the forest, eventually passing a small river as we crossed over a bridge. Wanting to do something more interesting instead of looking at the scenery in silence. I decided to read a book on summoning animals, explaining which each animal was good at.

"The Armadillo summoning animal is known from earth style justu and is a great partner for people who lack defense. The shell armor on its back is a great shield making it a great defense summoning."

"The snake's summoning is great for slithering in places and gathering information, but aggressive and tend to live to have sacrifice. Though snake summoners also can learn sage justu if they can survive the venom of the white snake sage."

I was pulled out of my reading when I felt two chakra signatures heading close, and I looked up from my book. To see two ninjas run towards Kakashi-sensei and wrap him in between chains. They had a mask on their face. I watched as the duo pulled on the chains, ripping Kakashi-sensei's to shreds. My eyes widened in surprise at how fast they ran over here, and I put my book back into my pouch.

"Ahhh!" Sakura screamed.

"Kakashi-sensei's!" Naruto shouted in shock.

"One down," The two ninja said in synch.

I then turned to see the two ninjas running towards me.

"Haru!" Someone shouted.

With instinct, I brought my hands up and began making hand signs.

"Earth Style: stone wall!" I said in my head, releasing the justu and placing my hands on the ground.

After releasing said justu, the ground raised from the ground and created a hardened dirt wall in front of me. Making the two get the chain stuck around the wall. They then pulled back, but this time went straight towards Naruto, who seemed like a weaker target. Only this time, Naruto doesn't move; he froze in shock, making none other than Sasuke save him.

The Uchiha runs towards the enemy with a kunai in hand. He throws it, but only as a distraction, and kicks one in the face, making him stumble back as the other one broke free from the chains.

I saw the other guy heading for Sakura and the bridge builder. Immediately ran towards her blocking his incoming attack with a kunai and kicking him in the stomach, making him bend over and groan. I then finish him off kicking him in the head, knocking him to the ground.

I was wiped the sweat off my forehead. I look up to find Kakashi-sensei holding an unconscious ninja on his shoulder; moving back, I let him, grab, the other ninja.

"H-how," Naruto stutterd, looking back and forward between the dead Kakashi and the alive one.

"The substitution justu," I answered, seeing a pile of logs where ate sensei was earlier.

"Sorry, Naruto. I didn't save you; I didn't think you would freeze up. Good job, Sasuke, Haru, you too, Sakura," Kakashi-sensei informed us.

"Hey..." Sauske called out.

"What?" Naruto replied.

"...are you hurt scaredy-cat," Sasuke mocked.

"Sasuke!" Naruto growled.

I sighed at their behavior and looked at Naruto as injured. I was about to check to see his hand when suddenly he took a kunai and stabbed his injured hand, making a speech.

I walked over to him and smacked him right upside the head cutting off his speech.

"Hey!" Naruto shouted.

I informed him.

"You fool! You can't just go around and mindlessly stab yourself. You could injure yourself more or kill yourself if you stab a vital point," I scolded him as I took his hand and pulled out some bandages.

"She is right, Naruto," Kakashi-sensei said from behind me.

I began to get ready to heal Naruto's wound. I see as it begins to heal itself slowly and raise an eyebrow. Shaking my head, not going even to question what was going on, I took the bandages and wrapped up his hand.

Once I was done. I nodded and let his hand go."There you all good to go. Just don't do something like that again," I said.

"I won't believe it! Thanks, Haru!" He exclaimed.

"No problem," I said with a shrug of my shoulders, going back to my usual quiet self.

I then turned to see Kakashi-sensei and Tazuna talking in hush tones. I narrow my eyes at the older man, wondering what he wasn't telling us.


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2. How will Haru fair against Zabuza?

3. What are you looking forward to seeing through the Land of waves arc?

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