Chapter 8: Kakashi-sensei

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A/N: I plan on focusing on updating this story. Once I finish writing the last few chapters of Child of a Snake. Through I might just continue working on it along with Child of a Snake and The Hatchling. Since Child of a Snake not too far away from being completed.


Sasuke quickly leaves off to who knows where. With Sakura walking off trying to find him. Naruto follows Sakura trying to eat lunch with her alone. I follow Naruto trying to make sure he doesn't make a move on her before me. Eventually, I find him, only to see him get rejected by Sakura.

'Now is my chance.'

"Hey, Sakura, wanna eat lunch together? I mean we are teammates now. So why don't we get to know each other," I said with a slight blush on my face.

She looked at me pondering my request.


I silently thank the heavens for her agreeing.

"...As friends," She finished.


My heart then shatters into nonexistent pieces.

I put on a blank expression and walk up to her as nothing devastating happened. I mean, I didn't just get friend-zoned or anything by my crush.

"Wait!" She sharply turned on her heel to glare at me I flinched. "You're not talking to me so you could get closer to Sasuke are you?" She proclaimed.

"What? No! I don't like him you can have him," I said painfully.

"Oh well, then who fo you like?" She asked with a beautiful smile on her face.

'You. You're the one I like.' I thought as I looked into her bright emerald eyes which shined like a bright jewel.

"N-no one. I- mean, I spread way too much time studying to focus on love," I lied but somewhat said the truth.

"Oh. What do you study," she asked looking at me with those beautiful eyes.

I smile, I'm studying my clan's special ability. So I can learn how to use it properly," I simply explained. "What about you. Are you studying anything?" I asked.

She sheepishly smiles, "N-no, but I do know all the shinobi rules by heart. I'm also good on my aim," she explained.

I nodded. We continue to ask questions about simple topics as we eat our lunch. Unfortunately, she starts to talk about Sasuke.

"Do you think Sasuke likes me," She asked her eyes shining with hope.

"I-I don't know, he doesn't seem to show much emotion. He might just not have noticed you like him yet. After all, boys are dense on noticing someone likes them at least that what my mom said," I honesty explained.

"Yeah! I just need to make him notice me," She said. "Thank you, Haru!"

I noticed you a long time of go. So why can't you seem to notice me? I wish you were here Kimi to give me advice.

I watch as she sighs dreamily looking off in the distance. I silently continue to eat a salmon sushi roll, but I choke on it as I spotted Sasuke leaning on the tree nearby. He was smirking at Sakura.

I guess he finally noticed her.

My eyes filled up with sadness as my heart plummets. I clench my hand into a fist. 'Why does he need to ruin my chances with Sakura.' I watch in silence and dread as he makes his way over here.

"Your forehead is so big. I just want to kiss it," He said coolly.

And there goes my breaking once again.

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