Chapter 3: The Ninja academy

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The next day I woke up to someone shaking me awake. I slowly opened my eyes with a groan and saw it was Anka shaking me awake.

"Get up it's time to get ready for your first day at the Ninja academy," she said.

"Alright," I said getting out of bed and heading off to the bathroom to shower.


After taking my shower I got changed into a green kimono, black pants, and put on my dark ninja shoes, and headed downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Good morning, Haru," Anka said.

"Morning where Dai?" I asked.

"He getting showered for work," Anka replied. "Anyway here you go," she said handing my breakfast which is waffle, eggs, and bacon.


I sat down and starting eating my breakfast when Anka spoke," Haru once you're done eating get your weapon pouch I left it in your home on your desk while you were in the shower."

I nodded and got up and washed my dishes once I was done eating. I then went upstairs to grab my things.

I looked in the mirror and brushed my hair to get rid of my bed hair. Once I felt my hair was fine. I grabbed my weapon pouch and headed downstairs where Anka was waiting for me.

"Ready to go?" She asked.

I nodded and we left after saying bye to Dai who was in the kitchen eating breakfast.


I and Anka arrived at the academy, the bell rang signaling it was time for class.

I sighed not ready for my first day at school, since I was never at school in my old village being locked up in a dungeon. I was nervous about how well I will get along with my classmates.

"Anka?" I turned around In the direction of the voice and saw a tanned man with a scar running across his nose walking towards us.

"Iruka. Good morning," Anka said with a smile. The man named Iruka talked to Anka a bit about nothing I cared about so I just zoned out.

"So this girl is the new student?" Iruka asked causing me to zone back in. I looked to see him smiling towards me. I nodded and gave him a small smile.

"I believe she do perfectly fine on her first day," he said signaling me to follow him.

I quietly followed him to the classroom after looking back at Anka to see her smiling at me.

We walked inside the classroom to see kids stareing at me.

"Everyone we have a new student," Iruka said.

"Hi my name is Haru Kaguya," I said.

"Ok, any questions for Haru?" Iruka asked.

A handful of hands with up.

'That a lot of hands.'

I noticed a girl with pink hair raising her hand.

'She has beautiful hair. Wait what am I thinking if my brother was here he say I'm too young to be thinking those things.'

"Alright you with the pink hair," I said snapping out of my thoughts.

"Oh um... my name is Sakura Haruno. Where are you from? I never saw you around before." Sakura asked.

"I don't think that important but I came from the Hidden Mist."

"Anyway the girl with blond hair," I said.

"My name is Ino Yamanaka do you like anyone?"

I then looked at the pink hair girl named Sakura before speaking up, "I just got here so no I don't."

I then heard a lot of the girls let out a sigh of relief.

'That was odd.'

I then picked a boy with a pineapple hairstyle.

"Hey my name is Shikamaru Nara and why did you come here?"

"That none, not your business but I might tell you in the future," I replied.

"Okay, last question you with the whiskers on your face." I pointed to a boy with blonde hair.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I'm going to be Hokage believe it! And I was wondering why you have two dots on your forehead?"

"Oh, it a marking that everyone in my clan has the same markings."

"Okay, Haru take a seat right next to how about next to Hinata," Iruka said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Raise your hand Hinata."

I looked to bed at a girl with purple hair and pale eyes raising her hand.

I nodded and walked over to sit next to the girl named Hinata.

'This is going to be an interesting day. I just hope I can make friends.' I thought, resting my head on the table as Iruka began his lecture on today's subject.


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