Chapter 7 : Teammates

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I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ears. I immediately turn the clock off. I groggily open my eyes, getting blinded by the harsh rays of the sun. Once my eyes adjust to the sunlight I look over at the clock to see that it's 7:00 am.

'Time to get up.'

I slowly get up and tear the warm blankets off of my body.  The cold temperature of my room hits like a wave-making me shiver. I shudder and my way to my bathroom.

Walking into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror I saw the dark bags under my eyes. Last night I spent hours eating cake and candy. Why? Because yesterday was my birthday so decided to stay up and eat cake and candy for a little while. Sitting my eyes from the mirror. I walk towards the shower.

Twisting the knob. I set it on warm and let the water rain down. I take off my clothes and put my shower cap on before I  stepped into the shower. Closing the curtain, the water hits my skin, breathing in the steam from the warm water. I then grab my sponge and lather it cherry blossom scented body wash and scrub myself. I then let the warm water wash me off.

I got out and grab the towel off the rack and wrap it around my body.

Walking into my room. Going to my drawers. I take out a clean pair of underwear and a sports bra. I quickly put them on after drying off my body. I then walked to my closet and put on my usual outfit.  Which is a light purple short-sleeved shirt under a dark purple jacket. I was wearing black ANBU-style pants. I have blue ninja shoes and a black forehead protector on my forehead.

I then walk out of my toom heading to the kitchen.


I walked into the kitchen to see my mom also known as Anka. I was still getting used to calling her that. I noticed my dad Dai wasn't in the kitchen this morning.

"Morning mom," I greeted. "Where dad?"

"Morning Haru. He had to leave early the Hokage wanted to see him. Anyway, are you ready for today?" She asked, still preparing my breakfast.

"Yeah, today we are getting our team and our jounin sensei," I replied taking a seat at the table.

"Do you have anyone of interest that you want on your team?" She asked as she looked over her shoulder at me.

"Hmm, maybe Sakura," I said with a slight blush on my face.

"The Haruno girl? She the one you have feelings for right," she said with a smile on her face.

I let out a cough at her comment. "What! Of course, I don't like her that way."

"Haru. I can easily tell that your lying," she said rolling her eyes at me. "She is the girl you have feelings for. Isn't she? She a very smart girl, and has nice parents." My mom smiled.

"Y-yeah," I said looking down at the ground.

"Hey, no need to act all shy. Now eat your breakfast or you'll be late," she said placing the meal in front of me.

"Yes boss," I said nodding.

I see her shake her head at the nickname and softly rubs my head as she walks away. I look down at my breakfast and see that it was waffles and bacon, with a strawberry banana smoothie on the side. I lick my lips seeing my breakfast and eat it savoring it.

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