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I walked into the shop with the guys behind me. They immediately pushed past me running towards the shelf's grabbing the snacks they wanted.

"Pfft look" Yeah- yeah grinned elbowing squints shoulder, pointing towards a poster that was hung on the wall.

It was of course of an explicit photo of a girl.

"Oh my god can you quite it" I rolled my eyes walking down the aisle past them.
"Can you contain your horney selves and grab the damn chips" Kenny pushed them both forward.

I walked towards the aisle of the bottle of sodas. Looking around briefly before stopping on the last bottle of Hires root beer that sat on the shelf.

I reached over to grab it when another hand grabbed it at the same time, making me look back to see Amora.

"Ew! What are you doing" she immediately took her hand back wiping it on her skirt.

"I was grabbing the last bottle of root beer if you don't mind" I rolled my eyes standing in front of her to grab it.

"Uh no I'm getting the last bottle" she pushed me out of the way.

We both immediately reached for it grabbing it at the same time.
We looked at each other before looking down at the bottle being held by both of us.

"Listen it's just a bottle of root beer. And besides I need it more than you, I'm the one playing baseball out in the sun" I pulled the bottle back furrowing my eyebrows when she didn't let go.

"So what? It's still my favorite you dilweed" she pulled it back towards her.

She glared at me when I didn't let go.

"Let go" she muttered narrowing her eyes at me.
"You let go" I shot back pulling the bottle towards me.

We both began pulling the bottle back and forth shouting insults at each other.

"Wow they are really fighting over a bottle of root beer" A voice said making our heads whip towards the voice.

There stood the guys shaking there heads as they watched us with amusement.

"Oh shut up you little shits" Amora spat at them. I took that opportunity too pull the bottle ripping it away from her hands.

She looked down at her empty hand, dropping her mouth as I smirked at her.

"Sorry sweets, looks like you aren't getting root beer today" I smirked flipping the bottle up and catching it.

"You know what rodriquez" she muttered narrowing her eyes at me.

"What?" I cocked my eyebrows up, crossing my arms.

"Hello! Excuse me!" She immediately turned around shouting as she waved her hand.

I turned my gaze over to see a guy that looked around our age maybe a bit older, walking towards us.

He looked Amora up and down before smiling once he met eyes with her.

I rolled my eyes waiting for what was going to happen.

"Can you help me? This boy here stole that bottle from me" she smiled sweetly, slowly twirling a piece of her hair.

He looked to me immediately dropping his smile.

I scoffed "I did not you're just making a fit because you didn't get what you wanted" I defended while she crossed her arms.

The guy walked up to me "I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave" he said looking back between me and the guys.

"What! Seriously?" My eyes grew in disbelief.

"Leave. Now" The guy rolled his eyes ignoring me as he pointed towards the door.
I looked back at the guys before turning back to him.

"Or what?" I scoffed towards him, crossing my arms angrily.


"Ow! Watch it" I exclaimed before being shoved outside with the guys being thrown out behind.

The guy shut the door on our faces while we stood up dusting ourselves off.

I shook my head looking back inside the store, while I shook my hat off.

Amora smiled and waved at me through the window, holding up the bottle of root beer in her hand.

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