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I sighed as I threw the bag over my shoulder, and began to walk down the sidewalk.

A few moments into my walk, I spotted the same boy from a few days sitting down at a porch with his head hung low.

The memories of him at the sandlot reoccurred in my mind, making me slow down my pace.

I clicked my tongue as I began to contemplate wether I should talk to him, before finally walking towards him.

"Hey!" I called out, making his head whip up.
Immediately he visibly grew nervous, watching me approach him.

"Hi" he replied softly, fiddling with the glove in his hand nervously.

"What's your name?" I asked, leaning against the railing behind me.

"Scotty Smalls. But uh you can just call me Smalls" he replied, with a nod as he spoke.

"Alright, Smalls. I saw what happened yesterday" I breathed out, sitting down next to him.

"Oh. Yeah" he sighed sadly, looking down with embarrassment.

"You like baseball?" I asked, motioning towards the glove in his hand.
"Y-yeah but I'm no good" he replied, shaking his head.

"Hm, I'm sure you are. You just need a bit of confidence" I replied with a shrug, and crossing my arms.

"I'm sure I can help you with that" I continued, making his eyes immediately lit up.
"Really? How!" He asked, with hope now laced in his tone.

"Duh, just leave that to me. Let's go" I replied, before standing up and motioning him to follow.


"Are you sure this is gonna work?" He asked, slowly following behind me.

"Totally! Don't even question her Smalls" Carrie clarified, patting his back.

"Alright Scotty, I'm may not know a thing about baseball but I certainly know the fashion of it!" I smiled, fixing the collar of his t-shirt.

"Now I may be able to help you dress like a ball player , but you got to show that you can actually play alright?" I ordered, as we began to approach the group on the field.

"Hey look! It's the square that can't throw a ball!" Hams laughed, pointing over towards us.

"Yeah yeah he can't even catch either!" Yeah-yeah teased, with them all laughing after.

Benny shook his head at their remarks before jogging towards us.

"Hey uh, you play baseball?" He asked, looking down at Smalls.

Smalls began to stutter unsurely, making me sigh.
"Yes, he does. Right Smalls?" I jumped in, nudging his arm as he nodded.

"Cool, want to play? We need an extra guy" Benny asked, glancing back over towards the field.

Smalls hesitantly nodded, making a light smile grow across my face at the small improvement.

"Alright, you can take left center" he ordered, before turning to walk back onto the field.

I watched as Smalls looked around unsurely, jogging over towards a random spot.
"Here?" He called out, making Benny look back.

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