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I slammed the door shut turning around, and immediately jumping back into the lockers once seeing Theo.

"Oh my god" I muttered angrily, moving away and walking around him.

"Amora, just please listen. At least for a few seconds just let me explain will you!" He exclaimed, whipping around too follow me.

"I don't want too hear it. I've clearly and firmly told you too leave me alone so why don't you listen!" I called back, continuing to walk down the hall.

"But I had no clue what I was doing! I hardly even remember it, Penelope had too explain why you suddenly were ignoring me?" He shouted, trailing behind me.

"Listen Theo. Ok I wasn't sure about it at first I'll admit not until Benny made realize just how wrong you were! Come on you couldn't be that drunk?" I shouted, sharply turning around towards him.

"Oh Benny? Of course you would fucking listen to him!" He spat angrily, stopping in front of me.

"Uh..hello because he's my boyfriend? What were you even doing- Why did you even try it?" I questioned, flailing my hands crazily.

His face softened immediately as he quickly looked down to floor, making me knit my eyebrows in confusion at his reaction.

"What Theo. Why?" I questioned again, looking at him with confusion at his hesitance.

He looked around, sighing as he closed his eyes. "Because.. because I like you ok!" he admitted, throwing his hands up as he continued to stare down at the floor.

My face immediately fell as I slowly lowered my arms, looking at him now in complete shock and confusion.

"You like- No Theo. No you don't! What do you want me to say to that? I'm in a relationship, a good one!" I shouted, throwing my hands into my hair frustratedly.

Many people started stopping and stared at us, hearing all the shouting and commotion.

I glanced around before groaning and shaking my head. "Just stop ok? I'm so sorry but no, I cannot be talking to you anymore" I ordered firmly, motioning between the two of us.

"Well do you feel the same way? Or are you just saying that because Benny told you too!" He shouted, in a mockingly tone.

"What- no I don't feel the same way! Are you an idiot? I certainly do not feel the same way at all and I want you too leave me alone so stop it for the millionth time!" I shot back, pointing too myself.

"Hey- Oh my god what in the hell is going on!" Carrie shouted, rushing over towards us.

"Shut up Carrie! You can't let Benny tell you what too think of me. You said it yourself you weren't mad at first" He ignored her, continuing to stare at me.

"So what, now you suddenly don't have your own opinion? You gonna let people tell you what to think huh?" He questioned, scoffing lightly, taking a step closer towards me.

"Oh my god shut up you moronic, stupid shit. I've already said too leave me alone not Benny, not anybody else. So will you please just go away!" I shouted back, growing angrier and angrier by the second.

"Theo! She said too leave her alone so why don't you get your raggedy ass and go already"Kenny suddenly appeared, shaking his head as he walked over.

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