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I slowly slowed down my pace, trying to catch my breath as I briefly took a chance to glance back.

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed, immediately picking up my pace once I spotted Amora who was right behind me.

"Alright! I was just messin' ok, calm down!" I panicked, stopping once I was stuck in front of a dead end.

She immediately ran over quickly taking the chance and smacking me across the head continuously.

"That was way uncool you little shit!" She spat, continuing to smack my head before sending me a shove.

"Ow! Ow alright!" I shrieked, grabbing onto her hands to stop her.

"Ew! I'm totally gonna smell like that disgusting water!" She whined, looking down at her now wet clothes with a cry.

She gave me one last shove before turning around, and angrily walking off down the sidewalk.

"Hey! Where the hell are you going!" I called out, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Where else do you think!" She shouted back, not bothering to even look at me.

"You're going the wrong way!" I called out again, pointing down towards the right direction.

She stopped in her tracks before groaning and walking back, slowly I grew a smug smile watching her lower head in embarrassment.

She pushed past me, with me shaking my head as I whipped around to follow behind.

I jogged over now walking next to her, letting out a sigh while briefly running my hand through my still wet hair.

We walked mostly in silence before she began to slowly whine again.

"Ow! I forgot my flip flops!" She groaned, looking down to her bare feet.

"How did you even run all the way here?" I questioned, looking down at the ground that had many tiny rocks scattered around.

"Oh? I don't know maybe because I was super angry that your pea sized brain deci-

"Ok ok! I get it" I cut her off quickly, not wanting to hear the rest of her sentence.

She continued to step onto the rocks letting out a frustrated groan here and there from pain, making me finally sigh.

"Get on my back" I stopped turning over, finally being done with her whining.

She stopped in her tracks scrunching her face up once she heard my words.
"No way!" She shouted, shaking her head in disgust.

I watched as she attempted to continue walking wincing once she stepped onto a few more rocks, making her slowly turn around.

"Fine" she muttered angrily, stomping back towards me.

I bent back down again with her huffing as she grabbed onto my shoulders, before I held her thighs helping to hold her up.

"I absolutely can't believe I'm doing this right now!" She groaned, once I started walking.
"Yeah me too, I expect a thank you by the way!" I shook my head, looking forward.

"Shut up" she muttered under her breath, and I could practically see the eye roll she did.

I continued to walk down the sidewalk in silence, sighing as I thought to myself.

Soon after some time of walking she let out a small yawn before slowly lowering her head, resting it softly against the side of my head.

I slowed down my pace once I noticed, feeling my heart begin to pick up as I let out a shaky breathe.

Immediately I pushed it away and ignored the chills that spread down my back, before picking up my pace again.


It was now 2 weeks of working with Benny. And I absolutely wanted to die.

The amount of arguments I've had these past weeks, is way phenomenal.

I let out a sigh resting my head against my hand, as I picked up a pencil from the cup that rested on the desk.

I briefly glanced over to see Benny rested against a pillow with his head in a book, making me roll my eyes.

Of course, we had another argument over some small thing that happened.

I looked back over looking down at the paper that laid in front of me, sighing to myself as I rested the pencil on top.

Slowly my eyes behind to droop making me continuously open and close them.

Soon the amount of time my eyes rested shut grew, as my head slowly began to slide off my hand.

I shot my eyes open once my head fell off my hand, jumping up in my seat from the suddenness.

I let out a small groan wiping my eyes immediately, before quickly picking the pencil back up.

"Tired?" Benny asked, making me spin around  in the chair.

"No, I'm not" I muttered, shaking my head in denial before spinning back around.

"Yeah, you are" he continued, making me roll my eyes at him.

"Shut up, I'm not" I muttered, feeling myself grow more angry with him.

"It's ok, I'll finish it. You can sleep" he sighed, standing up from the bed.

"No, you ding dong. I said I'm fine!" I spun around in the chair again to look at him.

I watched as he ignored me, continuing to prop up a pillow before turning towards me.

"I'm not sleeping, I'm not tired! Go back to whatever you were doing" I waved my hand, shooing him away.

I shook my head frustratedly before looking back down at the paper.

Soon my mind began to grow hazy as I fought back the sleepiness, making my eyes began to grow heavier and heavier.

Slowly I finally let myself go, resting my head onto the desk before I was out.


Slowly my eyes flickered open to see my face in a page from the book I was just reading, making me shoot my head up.

Immediately I whipped around to see an empty, lit up room from the sun leaking through the curtains.

I looked back down at the desk to see my papers that were once here, now gone.

Immediately I scurried up out of the chair, quickly looking around in confusion.

My eyes glanced over towards the bed, stopping once they met contact with a neat stack of papers that laid on top of the covers.

I walked towards it leaning over the bed as I snatched up a paper, quickly reading it over to see the page filled out.

That fucker finished it!

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