asked ; dylan o'brien [c]

243 5 0

y/s/n= your ship name with dylan

based in 2018!


dylan o'brien and y/n y/l/n were spotted out together a few months ago #y/s/n
1 photo attachment

she's so pretty! i definitely ship! #y/s/n

yayyyy!!!! i hope we get more content after comic-con #y/s/n

does anyone know who she is? #y/s/n
yeah, she's an actor. starred in game of thrones #y/s/n

someone has to ask him about her at comic-con tomorrow!!!! #y/s/n
my friends and i are going, we'll ask & record!! #y/s/n
oh my god i hope they do because it's the last day of comic-connn!!  #y/s/n

they would make gorgeous kids omfg

let's get the #y/s/n hashtag trending!!!

you were sitting in your bed, scrolling through twitter. you and dylan were working in an upcoming movie together but had met ages ago through thomas brodie-sangster, you and thomas met while filming game of thrones. you had met dylan through him and you two immediately became friends, in 2016 you two started dating but kept it secret, but decided to make it a bit more public as you two had been dating for two years.

dylan and you shared an apartment, luckily the paparazzi hadn't noticed, but dylan was absent as he was in san diego for comic con.

to; dylan🤍
i think everyone on twitter knows, love you❤️

from; dylan🤍
are you ready to make it public? are you comfortable? you know, if i get asked about it?

to; dylan🤍
of course i am, as long as you're ready

from; dylan🤍
i am too, i love you

to; dylan🤍
love you more


you were pretty excited and just hoped the fans liked you. you went onto instagram and saw the same thing you were seeing on twitter. you closed off your phone and went to sleep, getting comfortable under the warm sheets.

you woke up the next morning, at eleven o'clock. you got up and showered, getting dressed in one of dylan's mets shirts and some leggings. you did your hair and grabbed your keys and phone.

from; dylan🤍
miss you

to; dylan🤍
miss you more

you went into the local cafe down the road from your apartment and ordered your usual drink. after you collected it, you sat down in a booth and scrolled through your phone. you finished your drink and we're just scrolling through your phone.

"excuse me." two teenage girls stood in front of you.


"could we get a picture please?"

"of course, do you want to take it outside?"

they nodded excitedly and their mum set up the camera you guys took the photo, as well as few selfies.

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