caught ; issac lahey [t.w]*

548 6 4

trigger warning: mentions/flashbacks of abuse and suicides, light making out

n/n= nickname


you walked into the lunchtime detention room, sitting next to your friend, issac. you kind of knew about his whole wolf thing after he followed you home after a lacrosse game, plus, scott had told you. you had to admit, you had a slight amount of feelings for him.

"lahey, mccall. you have to clean out the whole janitors closest." he lead us to the room and pushed us in.

"please don't close the door." he whispered to you.

"i won't. it's okay issac."

you guys started cleaning when the door slammed. issac immediately jumped, taking off his jacket. he tried opening the door but there was something against it.

"it's okay. deep breaths." you tried to do a breathing exercise which calmed panic attacks, hes eyes fixated on yours.

he seemed to calm down but was still on edge, he had began to sweat, pacing the small room.

"issac. we're going to get out, relax." he didn't calm down though, and just got angry. slamming his fists against the door yelling loudly, trying to push it open.

"issac!" you repeated, not wanting to stress him out more.

it finally opened and issac ran out.

you saw your twin brother scott tackle him,  and yelled his name before he turned back into normal issac.

"i'm sorry. i'm really sorry. i'm sorry. i didn't mean-" issac repeated, taking in deep breaths.

"it's okay, i'm fine."

he stood up still shaking, hugging you. you rubbed his back, tracing small patterns in it. he pulled away and scott and issac walked off.

time skip

"this is where we're staying?" you groaned, getting out of the bus.

"do- do you want to pair up for a room?" issac asked.

"sure, as long as you aren't gonna be a perve."

"i wouldn't do that."

everyone else had grabbed their keys. the coach threw you the final set and you guys walked off with your bags. issac took the bed closer to the door, leaving you the one by the bathroom. you walked in and smelt nicotine on the towels.

"hey issac, i'm just going to get some clean towels." you smiled at him, he followed you out the door, fumbling with the keys.

"are you okay? you seem off." you asked him.

"yeah. yeah i'm okay." he scratched the back of his neck.

you got to the desk and the lady handed you new towels. you thanked her and handed them to issac, holding the keys. you opened the door and he sat on the bed, putting the towels in the bathroom. you lay down on the uncomfortable mattress and opened your phone.

From; Lydia
Who did you end up with?

To; Lydia

From; Lydia
Do you want to come up to our room?

To; Lydia
Sure, number?

teen wolf + maze runner imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now