49| Another Scandal

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soundtrack: Cello Sonata No.1 in E minor, Op 38 I. Allegro non Troppo by Johannes Brahms and Après Un Rêve, Op. 7, No.1 by Gabriel Fauré

On December 22, Yoongi was waiting for Victoria at the airport, hiding behind his bucket hat and glasses. He looked at the people around, anxiously waiting for their beloved ones with signs, flowers and balloons. There was a Christmas tree in the middle of the terminal and the man watched as a little boy tried to steal one of the fake candy canes hanging in the tree, under the angry eyes of a security guard.

The gates suddenly opened, letting out a flow of tired travelers still wearing their neck pillows and earplugs. He watched as families reunited, jumping into each other's arms, couples kissing, babies crying, unaccustomed to the noise.

He spotted Victoria, anxiously looking around for him, and he waved. However, through the crowd she didn't see him and continued to gaze in every direction except his, until Yoongi planted himself right in front of her, two inches away from her nose.

"Yoongi!!" she shrieked, then dropped all of her bags unceremoniously to jump in his arms.

He picked her up, almost being hit in the face by the violin case in her back. He held her tightly, burying his nose in her neck.

"I'm never putting you down, ever again. Just so you know."

She removed his sunglasses, inspecting his face while his hand cradled hers so gently, putting back a strand of long raven hair behind her ear.

"You look tired," she noticed, "How are you?"

"Better now, how are you?"

She started crying.

"I missed you so much!"

"Me too, baby."

The giant clock above the gates turned to 6pm and outside it started snowing. Yoongi kissed Victoria senseless, trying to make up for all those months he couldn't do exactly that. It tasted salty and hurried, the both of them trying to soak up as much of the other as possible. The girl slid her hands in the pianist's hair and his bucket hat fell to the floor.

"Stop crying," Yoongi told her, thumb sliding over her cheeks to remove her tears, "You're breaking my heart bawling like that. If you keep going, I'm going to start sobbing with you."

"It's 4am in Australia right now. I haven't slept in more than 26 hours. Give me a break."

Yoongi laughed, squatting the best he could with Victoria grabbing onto him to take her bags on his shoulders. He felt immensely giddy, as light as a feather as he started walking towards the luggage retrieval area, screwing his bucket hat back on his head and waddling away with his heavy cargo; a girl, her violin, a backpack and partition bag.

He wasn't kidding when he had said he was never putting her down. He held onto her for the next fifteen minutes, until his knees started giving out and the girl forced him to let go, knowing they would collapse on the floor if he didn't.

She found her giant suitcase and the both of them got out of the airport, walking to Yoongi's car with all of the girl's belongings. After everything was put away in the trunk, they got in the car, yet the pianist didn't start the engine yet, looking sideways at his girlfriend.

"Are you hungry? Tired? cold? Thirsty? Anything?"

"Not tired," she giggled, then grabbed the silver chain dangling from the man's neck, pulling him to her, "Always hungry."

She kissed him and Yoongi laughed, which made their teeth clatter together.

"What do you want to eat?" he whispered against her lips, "I can cook anything you want."

Sonata No.9 | MYG 🔞Where stories live. Discover now