8| Unison

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Soundtrack: Terzetto in C major op.74 Vivace and Suite in A major op.98 "American" Allegro by Dvorak

A whole month went by, slowly and painfully, a cold July letting place to an even colder August.

Yoongi and Taehyung hung out a lot together. They went grocery shopping, caught baseball games on Yoongi's wide screen and played poker on Friday nights with Hoseok and his friends.

The pianist liked to have Taehyung around. He was high spirited, quick-witted and humorous, and his calm, down-to-earth energy clashed well with Hoseok's over-enthusiasm and very loud personality. Hanging out with him strangely felt like they were back in college; going out to lowkey bars to grab a beer and talk about music, bashing on their severe teachers in the conservatory halls and having grand discussion about their future. Simpler times, when they still felt like the world was at their feet and no matter what happened they would both be fine.

Things had changed a lot since then, but their friendship still felt light and easy. Years of living countries apart didn't matter, and it was like they had never lost touch at all.

Of course, sometimes Taehyung would get a little somber, sternly looking at his injured hand, eyebrows frowned while he would massage his wrist through the splint. It was in times like these that the pianist knew he was suffering and hiding it behind a smile. Yoongi would then suggest to go take a walk or go see a new exposition at the museum, anything to try to distract Taehyung from his silent suffering

Meanwhile, things with Victoria were as awkward as ever.

She was still not used to him. The pianist expected that the fan-shy stammering and wide-eyes glances would stop after a few weeks. They got worse. Yoongi was starting to worry that the distance between them was beginning to damage their chemistry while playing.

It was always the same routine; at the beginning of a practise, Victoria was confident and assured, playing with skill and finesse with an impassible expression plastered on her face. Then she would make one mistake and lose all her chill at once, becoming a nervous mess and apologizing profusely while playing like an amateur.

Yoongi was getting more and more annoyed with this little game every practise, and Victoria, feeling his discontent, was getting exceedingly nervous as a consequence, which just made things worst. The Sorbonne's annual concert was in a few weeks and the outcome of their performance basically entirely depended on how stressed out Victoria would be.

Considering everything, chances were good that she wouldn't be able to play the first few notes.

The pianist had thought that something would change. Seeing her execute the Suite for Two Violins and Piano in the auditorium made him believe that she could do a lot better than what he had seen so far. However, weeks passed, and she still played mechanically, sounding even more dull as time went by.

Her technique was outstanding, but with that alone, they didn't have a chance at the Sorbonne's contest and even less at the Juilliards. Yoongi wasn't too sad about it. As the pessimist he was, he didn't think she had a chance in the first place, so thinking that they would probably not even get to the Juilliards wasn't too disappointing. However, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was failing at something and he didn't like it at all.

Hoseok hadn't give up on them yet, however. He was getting more and more anxious about the upcoming contest, his complete lack of nails signalling that he was biting them even more so than usual. He decided to attend one of their practises, thinking that he could maybe figure out why their energies didn't amalgamate. One hour of observation was enough to understand that their lack of warmth towards the other was the cause of their problems.

Sonata No.9 | MYG 🔞Where stories live. Discover now