13| Balance

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Soundtrack: Violin and Orchestra Concerto in D major, op.35 1.Allegro Moderato by Tchaikovsky

Victoria and Yoongi had found a very precarious balance. The Sonata No.9 was coming alright from the start, which was already an incredible accomplishment from the pianist's point of view. Turned out that the recipe to find the best sound possible was to turn their relationship into something more than just the traditional duet-partner alliance.

The awkwardness, the stiffness, the nervousness, it was all gone now and as a consequence, Victoria could finally breathe and show the extent of her skills. When she played, everything else in the room disappeared. She was so focused on her instruments, on her fingers digging in her strings and on the sliding of her bow that absolutely nothing could distract her.

The both of them sounded shockingly amazing when they played as a unit. They weren't a professional and a rookie anymore, they were two equals, Victoria's harmony sounding as mature and expert as the pianist's. When their music melted together in perfect chorus, it felt almost more intimate then kissing, the notes intertwining sensually as they were released into the room. Their chemistry was everything. They teased each other a lot and laughed when the girl messed up a part.

They did keep things to a minimal for the time being. Victoria was not helping at all and Yoongi suspected that she was purposely dressing herself provocatively and just being an adorable little shit in general to see how much of it he could take until he cracked and pushed her against the wall of his penthouse to kiss her hard.They didn't go any further however, and nothing happened that could be compared to the time he had left her panting on his couch.

They weren't happy about it, but their music was too good to be messed up with at the moment. It didn't stop the pianist from inviting Victoria over from time to time, just so he could cook for her and talk about her day.

And then, one evening, Victoria didn't show up to practise and Yoongi started to worry.

She was now fifteen minutes late and the girl was rarely late to their practises, and when she was, it was usually by less than five minutes.

What is she doing?

The clock was ticking and Yoongi anxiously looked at the needles counting the seconds she wasn't knocking at his door. While waiting, he had absolutely nothing better to do than to imagine the worst scenarios possible to explain why she was missing and now his head was full of dreadful ideas.

Did she forget they were supposed to meet? Was she lying in a ditch dead? Maybe she just finally came to her senses and never wants to have anything to do with you ever again.

The pianist picked up his phone to call her, and just as he was about to dial, it started to buzz in his hand, announcing Victoria was trying to contact him. He pushed his thumb on the green button.


"Hi! I – It's Victoria."

Her voice was abnormally shaky, fading in the sounds of the background. Yoongi could hear the sirens of a police car or an ambulance, as well as people shouting.

"Where are you? Are you alright?" he asked, feeling a deep, bone-crushing worry at the idea that she was hurt.

It took a few seconds for her to answer and meanwhile, Yoongi's heartbeat peaked.

"I can't come to practise today," she said, her voice trembling.

At this point, the pianist didn't give a damn about practise. He just wanted to know what was going on.

"Where are you? Are you okay?" he repeated.

Again, it took her a few seconds to answer and he heard her sniffle like she was crying. The man paced around his apartment to find his keys.

Sonata No.9 | MYG 🔞Where stories live. Discover now