46| Interlude

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Soundtrack: Symphony No.1 in D major "Titan": I Langsam by Gustav Mahler

Three years later, on a Wednesday

It was a beautiful but cold day. The sky was white, foamy with clouds, and everything was still, not a gust of wind in the air to disrupt the scenery. The ceremony was outside, rows of fidgeting students in black robes and mortars, followed by crying parents all sitting too straight on their plastic chairs.

Yoongi was standing in the back, shades on and holding onto his black coat like he was trying to disappear into it. Crowds of musically inclined people over 40 were on his list of things to avoid at all cost, in fear of getting poked in the eye with a pen by a more-than-enthusiast fan asking for an autograph.

But today was important. He couldn't possibly not be there.

A swallow flew over and perched itself on the banner over the stage, the one saying "Félicitation à nos Gradués" in big tacky blue letters.

Meanwhile, the conservatory Dean kept talking and talking, his speech getting longer and duller at every phrase. However, the people before him were so excited they didn't seem to mind.

Taehyung sneered at Yoongi's side.

"Someone get this man a tranquilizer or I will die of apathy in the next five minutes."

"Shut up, I want to hear," mumbled Hoseok at Yoongi's other side.

"You understand something? You don't even speak French."

"Yes I do!" He's telling you to personally shut up right now!"

Yoongi let out a sigh, thoughtfully chewing on his lower lips. Wherever he went, he could always count on his two best friends to keep things interesting. However, he didn't really have the heart to join their banters today. His eyes roamed the first row of graduating students, scrutinizing the hair under the mortars in search of someone.

He didn't have to look for long. It was as if she could sense his eyes at the back of her neck and immediately turned around when he found her.


In three years she hadn't changed much. She had kept her tall, statuesque figure and her long shiny raven hair, dark doe eyes and tanned skin where a couple of freckles had appeared during the summertime. She was 21 now, and had lost the last reminiscence of her teenage body years ago, yet these days, Yoongi had surprised himself watching her from afar, thinking the curve of her back going all the way to her neck had something more sophisticated than before, more intimidating than when they had met.

Or maybe it was just the fact she was growing up mentally, maturing into such an accomplished, intelligent young adult she sometimes surprised him with how deep and polished her thoughts were.

Another thing which hadn't changed for one bit; they were still madly in love with each other.

She smiled at him mischievously from the crowd, winked, then turned around fast, just in time for the ceremony to officially start. The Dean, finally being done with his speech, started calling the names of the graduates one by one, and it was soon Victoria's turn to be called up to the stage to be given her diploma. Hoseok and Taehyung started whistling and cheering loudly and Yoongi, smiling as brightly as his cheeks would let him, applauded until his hands started to hurt.

Victoria was done with college. His baby was graduating university. This felt like such an exciting day, full of new beginnings and possibilities.

She sent them a smile with crimson lips and a roll of her eyes from the stage, a bit exasperated at how loud they were being, but couldn't help a giggle as she went down the stairs. Her parents, at the other side of the Atlantic, couldn't be here today, but a part of her family was there anyway, in the form of her boyfriend and two best friends.

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