7| Passionata

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Soundtrack: Suite for 2 violins and piano Op.71: 1. Allegro energico by Moritz Moszkowski

The rain had stopped, but the sun still wasn't back. heavy clouds lingered in the sky, darkening the wild blue yonder and sending moving shadows across the streets of Paris. A powerful wind had washed the fog and the stuffy after-storm atmosphere away. The air was now cool and crisp, biting Yoongi's face as he walked, face-down and hands in his hoodie's pocket to his final destination; the Café de Flore.

At least now, people were back outside; walking their dogs, jogging and riding their bicycles. Still, the weather was freezing for the month of July and people were rather disturbed about it. Usually, the meteorological conditions was a subject of conversation used between strangers in elevators and neighbours that didn't really know each other. A polite topic to discuss between acquaintances to fill the silence.

This wasn't the case anymore. The inhabitants of Paris were talking about the temperature almost worriedly, with grand sentences about the impact of climate changes and the melting glaciers causing cold atmospheric currents. They were also talking about the possible impacts it would have on the tourist industry... because seriously, no one wants to go up the Eiffel Tower when there is a chance of being swept away by a strong gust of polar wind.

Yoongi, on the other hand, thought that everyone was rather dramatic about the whole situation. Radio stations and news channels were talking about the cold weather like it was the end of the world after only two days and yes, it was pretty cold outside, but it wasn't that cold.

The musician turned the corner of a street and with his head down, didn't see the figure coming straight in his direction. The collision was inevitable, and the two men slammed into each other, the stranger receiving Yoongi's shoulder straight into his trachea.

He fell on the ground with a curse.

"Pardon!" immediately exclaimed Yoongi, reaching out for the stranger's hand to help him up.

He looked pissed off, with his clenched jaw and beady eyes, but still took Yoongi's hand.

"Hey! C'est vous le pianiste!" he suddenly exclaimed, eyes widening as he looked up at Yoongi.

The said pianist wasn't really in a mood to socialize. He was already late to meet his friend and didn't want to attract more attention to himself.

I could say that I've never seen a piano in my life, I could just drop him here and run, or I could tell him that I don't speak French... which is half-true, let's face-it your French really sucks.

Instead of doing all of those things, Yoongi helped the man up and looked at him with a sorry smile.

"How was it to meet the president of the United States?" the stranger asked in a shabby English, suddenly looking very happy that a celebrity had knocked him on his ass.

He was referring to the time Yoongi had been invited to the White House to play for the president's birthday.

"Hmm, it was nice... they had a good sushi buffet," the pianist slowly responded, looking behind the man's shoulder in an attempt to make him understand that he needed to go.

"So cool! Is it true that they're going to send you to play piano on Mars?"

"Not that I know of... and I'm really sorry, but I need to go now. My friend is waiting..."

The stranger's eyes widened.

"Sure! Go ahead! You must be so busy! I'm sorry for bumping into you! Have a nice day! If you see the president again, tell him that Raymond Deschamps sends him his best regards."

Sonata No.9 | MYG 🔞Where stories live. Discover now