44| Vinyl Pants

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Soundtrack: Danse Macabre, op 40 by Camile Saint-Saens and Terminal Sex by Pouya and Shakewell

5 Weeks later

"I did a thing!" exclaimed Victoria, entering Yoongi's flat and making her shoes fly in a corner.

Yoongi, who was sitting at the piano, glanced her way, his eyes still analyzing the sheets of music he was clutching in his hands. They were so white it was almost blinding, little blotches of black dancing on the paper like they had a mind of their own. They were like a code he needed to decipher, and for once, he wasn't sure what language he was supposed to use to make sense of it.

"What?" he muttered, "You got your nipples pierced?"

"I told my parents."

The pianist fully turned around; brows furrowed, forgetting about his music altogether.

"About us?"

Victoria was standing on the entrance carpet, still wearing her bike helmet, sweaty strands of raven hair glued to her forehead. She shook her coat off and nodded, her cryptic expression suddenly making the pianist nervous.

"What did they say?"

She walked up to him, sitting at his side and pecking his cheek.

"Hi love, how was your day?"

"Victoria! What did they say?"

The girl smiled.

"You're actually stressed-out about this."

He sent her a sarcastic smile.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

She bit her lower lip, swallowing a giggle and Yoongi realized he had missed her. They saw each other every day, yet they were so busy they barely had time to spend time together that didn't involve practising or talking about music.

"They want you to come with me for Christmas."

Yoongi's eyes widened in shock. He thought it must have been some kind of trap.


Victoria smirked, taking his hand and inattentively starting to play with his fingers.

"Yeah... I don't know what made me so hesitant to tell them... I think it's just because I never talked to them about any of my past boyfriends, so I just knew it would be a big deal... and my boyfriend is you, I wasn't even sure they would believe me."

"Why wouldn't they?"

"Because you're a global superstar and I'm just... me?" she shook her head, "But they did believe me, and they were a lot happier than I thought they would be. The age gap didn't seem to bother them. They want to meet you."

"Are you sure it's a good idea?" Yoongi asked, doubtful.

Victoria nodded, but her smile was unnaturally frozen on her face.

"You don't seem sure..."

"Alright, I admit, my dad's family is rather judgmental of newcomers, especially my aunts, but you're Asian too, and hot, so they're going to be fine. My French family is just really loud and loves wine and cheese a bit too much, nothing new there. They're all going to adore you."

"And your parents?"

"My dad is going to be weird and make really bad jokes, probably going to ask a lot of questions too. My mom is going to include you in every conversation and stuff you with food until you explode. She's the most caring person I know and has already invited complete strangers to our Christmas dinners because they were all alone. They're good people. You will be fine."

Sonata No.9 | MYG 🔞Where stories live. Discover now