33| Seesaw

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Soundtrack: Symphony No.1 in D Major "Titan". III. Feierlich und gemessen by Gustav Mahler

Images of Jungkook and Victoria kissing had been leaked to the media, as well as a picture of Yoongi dragging the girl out of the club.

The last one was almost comical to look at when the context stayed unknown. Victoria, thighs cladded in a leather skirt and wearing a strappy top, had an expression of absolute terror, eyes widened and mouth agape, eyebrows screwed together in horror while Yoongi seemed absolutely furious, his jaw so tense a vein was popping out of his neck, eyes narrowed as he clasped her wrist with an iron grip, pulling her away from a shocked Jungkook. The background was a blur of spotlights and shadowy figures, like they were the only three tangible persons in the whole club.

The image said it all and the legends, no matter the blog or gossip magazine, stayed similar; Victoria was an immature teenager for kissing boys and getting drunk two days before the biggest competition of her life while Min Yoongi had become a meme, the old, grumpy, responsible adult depriving his duet partner of fun.

The pianist had searched the Internet, curious to know how the public felt about all of it. It seemed like Hoseok had been right all along and that being partnered with Victoria had served his purpose. He was no longer seen as the pianist sniffing coke in a restaurant bathroom, but as the one dragging Victoria from said perversion.

Hoseok was very happy about the whole ordeal and Yoongi was pissed off for thinking this situation could advantage him in any way.

No matter what, what was done was done and he couldn't change anything about it now. Being constantly reminded of what happened every time he opened his Twitter account was particularly annoying, but he remediated to the situation by logging off altogether.

It was no surprise that Victoria's popularity skyrocketed after the pictures were released. The girl was pretty, talented, and knew how to party. It seemed like people were taking a liking to her, although her image was more on the party-girl side and less on the professional violinist's angle.

It was now lunch time, and Yoongi as well as Hoseok and Taehyung were sitting outside the Juilliard building while waiting for Victoria to be done with her chamber music practise. The pianist had his face directed to the sky, taking-in some much-needed vitamin D. The day was sunny and cold, the kind of humid chilly weather that seeps through jackets and hoodies.

Hoseok and Taehyung had their eyes riveted to their cellphones, both of them still reading comments about Victoria and Yoongi's pictures. Mostly, they were laughing at the memes of Yoongi dragging Victoria out of the club.

"Ha! Check this one!" Hoseok said and although the pianist had his eyes closed and directed to the clouds, he could clearly picture the two of them beaming widely at Hoseok's cellphone, "So funny!"

"My favorite is still this one."

"No... that's like... the third best max."

"What about this one?"

Yoongi let out a groan.

"Can you guys shut up for a second?"

"Awn, feeling grumpy? Are you going to drag us away from the fun?" said Hoseok.

"Ha. Ha. Hilarious."

"The comment sections are going crazy," added Taehyung, still scrolling down.

He saw a comment saying Yoongi was probably jealous of Jungkook for kissing Victoria and that it was the reason why he was taking her away, and deleted it before Hoseok could see. Meanwhile, the manager was nodding thoughtfully at his own device before he finally teared his eyes away.

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