5| Deluge

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Soundtrack: Gnossienne No.3 by Erik Satie and La Gitana by Fritz Kreisler

The first practise came faster than expected.

It was now Monday and the sky was a dull grey, the gloomy colour of loneliness. The air was hot and humid, and the clouds were heavy, predicting a storm.

The National Music Paris Conservatory building had been built thirty years prior. As a consequence, it wasn't old enough to have the prestige of a construction of long standing and it wasn't new enough to be considered modern. All in all, the exterior of the building looked quite bizarre and a little outdated. The architects had wanted the whole thing to be contemporary, so the edifice was made of one block of cream cement with weird holes and shapes in it, adding glass panels and fountains at unusual spots as well as an interior court with a garden.

Yoongi loved that place. Not because of its eccentric appearance—although he thought it added a certain charm to the setting—but because the inside of the building was a magical place of musical genius; a cluster of virtuosos, talented composers and inspired students, giving birth to melodies that were more perfect every day.

Under the dark sky, the shadow of the Conservatory looked almost like a monster, its weird geometrical shapes looking like claws, luring oblivious musicians into its symphonic rhythm.

That day, Yoongi was first to arrive, chaperoned by Hoseok as usual.

"You're my manager, not my babysitter you know, I can drive myself around just fine. Actually, it would be a lot better for my longevity if I drove myself around."

Hoseok had one of his large excited smiles plastered on his face, sparkly eyes sending the pianist thrilled glances from time to time.

"Stop it! I know that you love the attention," he stated, almost skipping through the entrance, "Aren't you excited? This is your first official practise since... well since you abandoned me for God knows where."

Yoongi shrugged.

"I practise all the time. You just don't see me do it."

Hoseok tsked at his friend before looking through his phone for the room he had booked.

"I took a practise room with a window," he announced, "Are you proud of me?"

Yoongi couldn't refrain a smile from forming on his lips. He gave Hoseok an approval slap on the shoulder before peeking at his phone.

"Room B-235, I know where that is!"

The inside of the Conservatory was tortuous, just like its outside; creamy white corridors twisting and turning in weird angles to form an absolute maze for whoever had never set foot in there. Luckily, Yoongi knew the place like the back of his hand, having done a good part of his music studies inside of those precise walls.

He walked decidedly, Hoseok following with long strides. Round windows were aligned on each side of the corridor, showing the inside of practise rooms where violinists, pianists, flutists and guitarists were playing, stomping their feet to the rhythm, fingers tensed, and eyes focused on their music sheets.

Everything was soundproof to avoid the musicians from getting disturbed by their neighbours. As a consequence, walking in the corridor and seeing all those instrumentalists pouring their hearts out in their music but not being able to hear them was quite a weird experience. It felt a little like being stuck inside of a spaceship; everything muffled and stifled.

Room B-235 was at the end of that corridor, white interchangeable door leading to a spacious room with an upright piano, a few chairs and many lecterns scattered around.

Sonata No.9 | MYG 🔞Where stories live. Discover now