43| Closure

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Soundtrack: Étude No.2 by Philip Glass and Sonata No.2 in D minor, Op 12:IV vivace by Elena Kuschnerova

After some more boring speeches, it was time to officially close the International Juilliard Sonata Competition. Everyone raised their glasses one last time and applauded, and then it was over for good, the crowd standing up as one to either go back to their rooms to do their luggage or go party at the hotel bar.

Yoongi lost Victoria in the crowd, lots of people coming to them to congratulate the duet. He finally spotted her a few minutes later being pulled by the wrist by none other than Jungkook, not looking happy at all as he was dragging her away.

The girl helplessly looked at her date, sending distressed eye signals that had the pianist running after them.

"What do you think you're doing?" he barked towards Jungkook as soon as he was close enough.

The boy didn't seem surprised, not looking at him in the eyes as he continued pulling Victoria away.

"I need to talk to Victoria, alone."

Yoongi turned towards the girl, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Do you want to talk to him alone?"

She shook her head and Jungkook's expression fell miserably.

"What? But I just..."

"We can talk," the girl cut, "But Yoongi stays."

Hell yeah, I'm staying, the pianist thought, narrowing his eyes at the other who was now pouting like a child.

"Seriously man? You don't trust her that much?"

Yoongi clenched his fists, walking closer until he crushed the boy under his gaze, finally making him drop Victoria's arm to back up towards the wall.

"It's you I don't trust, you..." little motherfucker.

The pianist barely held his tongue. Victoria, sensing the growing tension grabbed the back of his jacket.

"Jungkook. Yoongi stays."

Her tone was definitive, and Jungkook sent the two a sardonic smile.

"Sure. This is gonna be fun."

Some people were looking at the exchange from further, and even though there were no journalists in the room, Yoongi suddenly got the urge to get out of there.

"Not here," he said, walking to the exit and making sure Jungkook was following.

In the main lobby, beside the usual desks where the hotel staff was answering to the phone and giving out key cards, there was also a very cute cafe to the left, near the dining room, and a bar to the right. Most of the contestants were now heading there to get drunk one last time in between adversaries, either drowning their sorrows or celebrating a win.

Instead of following the crowd, Yoongi headed towards the cafe and its tiled floor. The people over the counter didn't seem too happy to find him there as they were on the verge of closing, but reluctantly gave him a black coffee. Victoria ordered a tea and Jungkook, a glass of milk, which was a comically childish choice. Yoongi paid for everyone and the other pianist didn't seem too happy about it, sending him a frigid glare like he had committed an affront by taking out his credit card.

"Let's sit here," decided Victoria after she had received her tea, blowing over the steam to make it cool down.

She had chosen a bench seat in the corner, far away from prying eyes. Jungkook stiffly sat down in front of the duet, taking two large gulps of his milk before wiping his mouth with his hand.

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