27| Grounded

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Soundtrack: Violin Sonata No.1 in D minor, op.75 I. Allegro agitato by Camille Saint Saëns

Yoongi's eyes were narrowed, fixed on Victoria who had her back directed at him, a little further in the room with Jungkook in front of her, eating like his life depended on it. They were talking, something funny because both were smiling, and Victoria was gesturing all over the place, her hoodie sleeves coming close to dropping in her soup a couple of times.

"They dated, right?" asked Hoseok, following Yoongi's gaze to fall on them.


"They're kind of cute," the manager continued, tilting his head to the side as he stared.

"Yeah, they are," the pianist sighed.

That was the problem. They were perfect for each other. He couldn't even be jealous of Jungkook, because he knew the guy deserved her more than him. It was obvious by the way he acted that he was whipped for Victoria. He was the right age, he could take Victoria's hand whenever he wanted without looking like a perv, even he was aware of that.

"If you're not going to eat your salad, can I take it?" asked Hoseok.

Yoongi pushed his bowl towards his manager.

"You should eat that," complained Taehyung, "You're not eating enough these days."

"Competition stress," Yoongi lied.

It was weirdly satisfying to torture himself by looking at Jungkook being all happy while eating his lasagna with Victoria at his side when he, on the other hand, was totally miserable. Yoongi was entirely convinced about it now; as soon as the competition would be over, Victoria would run to Jungkook with open arms. The choice was rather easy between him, the older guy with lots of baggage, and Jungkook, younger, and at the same place in life as her.

"Why are they not eating with us, though?" asked Hoseok, still staring at Victoria and Jungkook, "They should come here, I feel like I haven't seen Victoria in a while."

"No it's alright..." started the pianist, but it was already too late, and Taehyung was hailing them over with his extended hand.

Yoongi sent a murderous look at his friend, who raised an eyebrow and shook his head with a scowl in Hoseok's back, clearly telepathically asking the pianist what the hell his problem was. Victoria walked up to them with her plate in her hand, Jungkook following behind her with pursed lips, clearly unhappy to be disturbed.

"What's up?" the girl asked with a grin towards Hoseok.

"What's up is that I miss you! Tell me how chamber music and everything is? I feel like I haven't seen you in a while!"

Yoongi scooted aside to let her sit beside him, his gaze directed to the food in his plate he kept poking with his spoon.

"Everything is fine," she said, sitting down and putting her plate on the clothed table, "Chamber music is... coming together. I think the concert is going to be alright."

"More than alright, it's going to be great!" said Jungkook with a smile towards her, taking a gigantic mouthful of lasagna.

"You heard it already?" asked Taehyung and the boy nodded, although incapable of answering with his mouth full.

"Yes, he came to one of my practises to listen," she revealed.

Her eyes were on Yoongi as she said it, like she was waiting for some kind of reaction. The pianist kept a blank mask and didn't let her see his interior battle, the blood boiling in his veins at the idea of Jungkook cheering for her while he wasn't there. Why didn't he think of going to one of her chamber music practises earlier?

Sonata No.9 | MYG 🔞Where stories live. Discover now