23| Fossil

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Soundtrack: Serenade for Strings in E Major, op. 22 II. Tempo di valse by Dvorak

Yoongi sighed as he peered at the dinosaur in front of him. Its bones were a dusty brown color, pointy teeth and mean claws directed at him like the animal was ready to chew him alive. Alas, the beast had been dead for a very long time and wasn't a threat for the moment, unless the thin metal wires holding its skeleton decided to give out. Then the pianist would receive the equivalent of five tons of cartilage on his head, which would be annoying, to say the least.

"Hey! Yoongi! Come see the giant lizards!"

The man turned his back to the T.rex he had been admiring for the past minutes, gazing to the other side of the room where Taehyung and Hoseok were standing. The pair was in the entrance of the Reptiles and Amphibians gallery, where white reconstitutions of turtle skeletons, snakes as long as entire corridors and heavy crocodiles were displayed. He spotted his friends near the stuffed Komodo dragons, taking selfies and sending wide smiles and 'peace' signs to the camera of Hoseok's cellphone while in the background, the gross lifeless reptiles were eating a boar.

"I'll get there in a minute," replied the pianist, walking leisurely towards them while gazing at the dinosaur skeletons hanging from the ceiling.

There was a school trip to his left, little children reaching out to touch the bones despite the adults holding them back by grabbing their collars. At the sight, Yoongi grinned, thinking the contrast between those dead relics and the young lives admiring them was comical.

"Why the hell is he so slow?" asked Taehyung very audibly to the pianist's manager, "He has been staring at the tyrannosaurus for the past ten minutes!"

"He probably feels right at home in the middle of the fossils."

"I heard that!" declared Yoongi to a giggling Hoseok, "And I'm not a fossil."

"Yeah, right, grandpa. You stayed there a little longer and the kids would have thought you were one of the dinosaurs being exposed," argued Taehyung.

After that, the both of them started laughing, Hoseok going as far as hitting his thigh multiple times while he howled. The pianist simply shook his head in disapproval, heading towards a triceratops skeleton and standing in front of the fender with crossed arms. This one vaguely reminded him of a mix between a chameleon and a rhinoceros because of the horns.

He was happy that his friends were getting along, especially because both of them were the talkative type. This way, they could banter as much as they wanted and he just had to follow and make a comment from time to time, reminding them that he was still around. Making conversation wasn't usually this painful, but today, he had too much on his mind to really put his heart into it.

Of course, the reason for his reflective attitude was Victoria.

Himself would have loved to forget about her for a minute and enjoy the American Museum of Natural History and its treasures with his two best friends. Unfortunately, she had a way of sneaking back in his thoughts as soon as something would remind him of her, and everything reminded him of her, from one of the tour guides with long jet black hair to the dinosaurs he knew she would have loved to see.

However, she was at her first chamber music practise, which felt as far as another country for the moment. Yoongi had looked forward to visiting the city and touring the museums because he had thought she would be with him. Now that this wasn't an option anymore, he was suddenly finding himself rather bored, her absence taking all the fun away from the experience.

At least, Hoseok and Taehyung are having fun, thought the pianist, glancing over his shoulder at the two of them who were staring with fascination at the collection of stuffed boas, cobras, and other vipers nailed to the wall behind a glass pane.

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