Chapter 13

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*Elijah's POV*
Me and Niklaus are always together ever since Mikael's first visit in mystic falls, when he cruelly took her from me.

I clutched the small teddy bear, I always kept it with me, in my pocket. I also carried some red roses and Niklaus carried some daffodils.

"It's alright brother" Niklaus re assured me, we were on our way to visit the site of the event and lay flowers on where her ashes had once lay.

"I'm glad he is dead" I gritted my teeth, reliving the time where we teamed up with Damon and Stefan to kill him.

"Aren't we all" Niklaus smiled painfully. I saw the area and knelt down beside where I last saw her. Next to me was some pink roses, which intrigued me but I didn't take much notice.

"This is all my fault" I began talking to the floor "if I hadn't of turned you, got you involved in my family, you would have lived a normal life but I was selfish, I wanted you for myself" I clenched my fist and held back the tears.

We both placed the flowers on the memorial and looked at each other for reassurance. "Are we ready?" I asked "I can't wait to get out of this hell hole"

"To New Orleans" Niklaus smiled

"To New Orleans" I replied.

We entered the town, it was good to be home. The first thing I would do was to go to the compound and see any damage.

But to our surprise, groups of vampires stood there, whispering at the sight of us. I smiled rather uncontrollably and lifted my hand to acknowledge them

"May we see whoever leads this" I shouted

"Which one" a rather angry vampire shouted

"What do you mean which one?" I tilted my head but then saw Marcel

"Fellas, it's good to see you again" he smiled

"And you Marcellus, it's come to our attention that you're not alone in running this place" I was confused at who else would run here

"That's a story for another time, well later on, but for now let's get a drink"

"Great, I'm parched" Niklaus added

*Marcel's POV*

Oh great, the originals are here. If I don't keep them away from her, they're both going to hate me. Unless I pass it off as a surprise and I had no idea.

Klaus passed me a drink "so what's happened since we left" he smiled

"Nothing much, vampires still rule the roost and there are no problems, except for vampires who think they can get a daylight ring by rioting but she normally deals with that, along with everything else" I recoiled right when I realised what I had said

"Oh she!" Klaus smiled "Marcel has a girlfriend who obviously is in charge"

"I wouldn't say she's my girlfriend, far from that" I laughed at the irony

"When do we get to meet this boss of yours" Elijah asked

"Not yet, she's out" I lied

"And have you heard anything from Hayley?" He asked reluctantly

"Nope, she is prancing in the bayou without a sound" I could see Elijah's expression change. Hayley didn't really socialise with us ever since we regained power.

It has been about 2 years ago since Elijah and Klaus had been here. Luckily, Amelia had been travelling for a bit to clear her head, it had been a dark time for her back then. And in that time, I saw Elijah fall for the hybrid every day before he left.

"You're going to have to pop round and say hi" Klaus giggled

"Not likely, she hates me" he laughed

"Marcel, do you think we should leave Elijah to do some business" me and Klaus got up and left Elijah speechless at the bar.

*Elijah's POV*

I didn't want to see Hayley, not after the argument we had. It was true that I didn't love her as much as Amelia, and I thought she would understand, instead she just told me that she was dead, that was one of the reasons I left.

I walked back to the compound, I figured that I could have a little look around before Marcel came back.

"May I ask, who else leads this place?" I said to a vampire

"What, you mean other than Marcel?" She replied

"Marcel doesn't run this place" another vampire jumped in front of me "she does" he motioned to the room upstairs that used to be mine

"And what do we call this leader?"

"Most of us call her Mil or Millie, she has her nice moments and moments where she stakes anyone out of line" he snarled

"can I talk to this Millie?" I asked

"You can enter at your own risk, she never is in a good mood for these past couple of days, first door on the right" he muttered

I nodded to say thank you and made my way upstairs. I knocked on the door and a voice called

"Go away I'm busy"

"I'm sorry to disturb but I just need to talk to you" I replied, where have I heard that voice before?

"Marcel can deal with that stuff at the minute, as I said I am busy" her voice grew agitated

"I'm sorry but I'm not taking no as an answer" I shouted before bursting through the door.

And then it hit me.

*Amelia's POV*

Who does this brat think he is, defying me. I heard him come through the door, but I faced away, I didn't want to see anybody at the minute.

"Well?" I asked when the room went quiet and then I turned around

"Wow I must be still asleep" I said to myself

"This is not a dream" Elijah smiled crookedly

"But you're dead Elijah, wow this is so vivid, I wonder if..." I walked up to him and the tips of our fingers met.

I instantly recoiled and stepped back "I can touch you" I gasped "how is this real"

"I'm not dead Amelia, I thought you were dead" he started "Mikael killed you"

"No, Mikael killed you, I saw both you and Niklaus on the floor with stakes in your hearts" I cried "I said goodbye and he told me to leave, so I left and kept my promise to you to run New Orleans"

"That is a different story to what I was told, I saw your ashes on the floor he gave me this" he retrieved the bear from his pocket and I instantly took it and held it to my chest

"I have this to you, I put it in your pocket to say goodbye, and Niklaus my handkerchief" and then I realised

"Is Niklaus?"

"Yeah, he's with Marcel now" he started

"Did Marcel know you were alive?" I asked curiously

"Well I think so as we saw him a couple of years ago when we visited" he started

"He did not tell me such thing" I cried

"But does that matter at the minute, Amelia you are alive, I am alive" I saw at ears fill his eyes and I launched at him to hug him.

*Elijah's POV*

My hands fit around her waist like before, she had not changed. She was still as beautiful as ever but now she was more powerful and she kept my promise.

"Amelia" I whispered just to make sure that it was real. I felt the shoulders of my suit wetten and I understood that she was crying.

"I love you Elijah"

"I love you too"

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