Chapter 17

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*Elijah's POV*

What had just happened? The truth had not set me free, instead it had pushed me in a corner and broken my heart, the truth was, I am in love with Hayley and I know it is not fair on Amelia, but as she had said, I want things that I can't have, what aren't mine; and Hayley was not mine.

I watched her walk away, to coil from my very touch that once fascinated her. I watched her, I didn't make an effort to stop her, to win her back. I've never seen her so hurt and angry at the same time, especially not directed at me.

*Amelia's POV*

It had been a week after me and Elijah had split, we haven't spoken, just exchanged fake smiled and small waves. I've kept myself busy with useless missions, training new vampires and making them.

I walked back into the compound in the daytime, when it was full of vampires, this is when I like it, because it avoids any awkward moments with you know who.

As soon as I got in, the crowds seem to part slightly, not on purpose, just natural movement. But the path lead to a sight I couldn't unsee or couldn't convince myself I hadn't seen

Elijah's arms were wrapped around the dainty waist of the wolf. Their lips just millimetres apart, after, what I believe, a passionate kiss goodbye. He hands were placed gently on his shoulders and her smile widened as they gazed at each other.

Tears welled in my eyes as I pushed my way back through the crowd and out of the compound. Taking a breath in, I contemplated the consequences that will come if I exact revenge on her, on the wolves. If I did, I'll need the witches, I'll need Marcel and Niklaue.

"Marcel" I said as he answered the phone "don't talk just listen, I need you, I need Klaus and I need the witches" I began

"Why?" He asked

"Well I'm going to banish the wolves from to the quarter and they're going to kick off, so I need the witches and the full vampire army"

"Is this about Elijah?" He sighed

"No! Of course not" I lied "are you in or are you out?"

"I'm in" he said after a while "the wolves had it coming anyway" he said

"Okay I'm in the cauldron now, I'll get the witches, you get Klaus but DO NOT tell Elijah" I demanded before putting the phone down

I strode into the cauldron in search of the witch responsible for all witches, I think her name was Sofia, she ran a small voodoo store, which was obvious to find.

The bell rang and a voice called "what is a vampire doing in the cauldron? Do you want something?" A young southern voice was almost recognisable

"Yes, something, someone, whatever you call it, I want to call it an alliance" I said, her head perked up and she glared at me

"An alliance, with you? Why would the witches want that, you have already let the wolves free, aren't they enough?"

"Well, I want to secure both of our factions in the future of New Orleans, I want the wolves out, and us vamps can't do it alone, we need power" I explained

"You want a war?" She asked

"I don't particularly want one, but if that's the price to rid the wolves, I'm willing to pay it" I answered, somewhat correctly because she smiled

"How can I trust you?" She asked, I pulled out a folded piece of paper out oft pocket and opened it, revealing a contract and terms of the alliance, we both signed in blood and then I left.

Seconds later, Marcel text me to say Klaus was in with the plan, I smiled and proceeded to make my way down to the bayou


When I got down, I entered the campsite inhabited by the crescents, most of them were here and that was perfect for me to make an exhibit.

I walked to the middle of the circle and all eyes were on me. A rather ragged male approached me and asked sharply why I was here. I smiled and rapidly pulled him towards me, tearing his heart out and hearing gasps from the others

"This is what would happen if you don't stay out of the quarter from now on, I won't stop at 1 next time, we have the vampires and witches on our side so don't start a war you'll lose, oh and you can thank your precious queen for this!" I shouted before running off.

And at that point I knew that they won't back down without a fight.

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