Chapter 24

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"Where did you find this?" Sofia asked, she looked awfully surprised and clutched the gem between her finger and thumb.

"It fell out of Mikael's pocket on the other side" I explained "so you know what it is?" I replied

"It's a dark object" she began "a rare dark object, we witches call it the anything stone, the real name is too long and unpronounceable to others"

"Okay the anything stone then" Elijah walked in "what does it do?"

"It can hold any spell, even spells that can't be practised by witches themselves and it seems like this little beauty is holding something right now" she looked through the stone again

"And if Mikael was going to use it, it must have been something powerful" I added

"I can try and figure it out, I'll do some tests and see what I holds" she smiled, tucking the glimmering gem in her pocket, I smiled at her and gave her the signal to leave.

Once she left, I turned to Elijah. He smiled at me and I mimicked his expression

"How do you feel about a party" he smiled

"A party for the maniac that is running around with the strength to kill all of us?" I joked

"No" he said and he pulled me into his arms "because your alive! We need to celebrate that"

I placed my hand on his shoulders and my forehead touched his chin. "Elijah, I have not danced in years, I wouldn't be able to dance at a party" I scoffed

"Well, I guess I'll have to teach you" he grunted, lifting my whole weight of the ground and twirling me

"Elijah stop" I laughed uncontrollably, like a child "Elijah I'm serious" he stepped me around the room, twirling here, dipping there. All of the time I was giggling "put me down" I repeated, but I was caught in the never ending swirls of out movement.

After a while, he put me down on the floor and dusted off his suit "well I think that's enough teaching, I'll see you tonight" he smiled and walked away

"Wait tonight?" My smile dropped, how on earth could they plan a party so soon, but he didn't answer, he was out of the door.

I was alerted by the sound of gasps and breathing coming from below the floor. The new vampires.

I stepped down and took them all by surprise, they looked startled and scared, some angry.

"Look who finally woke up" I smiled

"What the hell did you do to us?" A guy dressed in a leather jacket asked

"Well" I began, examining my nails, showing it wasn't a big deal "I'm a vampire, your a vampire now, I need you to fight with me and my vampire friends against their vampire father who is out to kill the vampire race and that now includes all of you, well if you do this one more thing" I added, throwing them a small bottle of blood each.

"Vampires don't exist" a girl said, picking up the bottle "eugh! Is this blood?" I saw her gaze fix on it, the squeamishness turned to lust

" If you want to live, give in to temptation... This once! When you've drank, I'll teach control and strength but you must do it quick, the weak are eliminated" I sneered

I watched as all but one of the people drained the blood out of the bottle, crushing it and throwing it to the ground. I walked over to the girl with a stubborn look on her face

"Drink" I demanded

"No" she hissed, her blonde hair fell across her face, she was only a teenager

"Drink" I raised my voice, pushing the bottle towards her

"Are you deaf? No!" She pushed the bottle away

"I'd rather you not waste my time, you're no use to me" I informed her, placing my hand on her chin and snapping her neck

The vampires sneered and some giggles at their newfound powers. Another man, looked edgy, as if he was about to do something, and I was correct.

His speed increased and he vamped straight into my fist, which grabbed his heart and pulled it out straight away. "I don't have sympathy for traitors" I hissed

"Amelia, are we killing the army, we need as many as we can get" Elijah informed as he walked down the stairs. He had removed his jacked and stood there, his sleeves of his blouse were rolled up.

"Some think it's funny to try and get out but they're a bit delirious from the blood" I smiled "oh that reminds me" I turned around to face the crowd "you will burn in daylight, so stay inside at all times, and if you gain my trust, I have the power to make you one of these" I raised my hand and wiggled the finger that held my daylight ring

"What's that?" Someone hollered

"It allows me to walk in daylight" I smiled "okay let's get started"

"No!" I shouted "you go for the heart not the shoulder or the leg or the neck, they come back to life" I aimed my rage at the group of vampires that think it was acceptable to kill a vampire by stabbing them in the shoulder "amateurs, this is how you do it"

I caught them all by surprise by tackling 2 young men and lunging my hands into their cheats to feel their hearts. I pulled my arms out "the element of surprise is vital if your going to survive" my voice echoed

This army is going to take a while

Trying to love (Elijah Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now