Chapter 3

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*Amelia's POV*
My breath ran short and I my legs began to slow. I spent a minute resting against the tree before running again.

I ran and ran, but then I heard someone shouting, the voice was familiar, he sounded angry

"Amelia! Where are you?!"

Edward, I gasped and began to run again, I whimpered out of tiredness and fear but then something happened.

I was pinned up against a tree by, what I could see was a blonde haired man. His friend stood behind him.

"Now now love, we need you to be quiet" he said, placing his finger to his lip. I whimpered again, he was going to kill me. I watched as his face turned from human to something out of this world. But before he attacked, his friend from behind him pulled him away.

"Niklaus, this girl is obviously running from something" he said before replacing the man in front of me. I slid down to the floor as I felt that my legs had stopped working.

This stranger knelt down next to me and asked me "what has happened?" I couldn't speak, from being abused to the man with the black eyes, the dear had overwhelmed me so I just shook my head.

"I'm Elijah, can you tell me your name?" He asked, grabbing my hand and immediately calming me down. I gulped and began to speak...

...but as I opened my mouth a man came up to us "Amelia there you are" he exclaimed, Edward! He knew we were in company so he acted nice "you had me worrying out of my mind" he started, stepping towards me.

I gripped the hand of the mysterious Elijah tighter as his friend Niklaus stepped in Edward's path.

"Now Edward, we are friends but this mistress seems to be in distress, we want explanations" he begun, squaring up to him

"Ah Niklaus! And Elijah I'm guessing" as he looked to the figure next to me "it was a simple argument really, she caught me with another woman and got the complete wrong idea, before I could explain she had ran off into the night"

"So it was all just a misunderstanding?" Elijah asked suspiciously

"Yes it was, we are arranged to be wed next week and I would never be disloyal, how about we all go to the party and me and Amelia can sort this out privately" he suggested. Elijah turned to me with a smile

"Amelia? So that's your name"


All four of us got inside the party. Everyone's attention was turned to me walking in late. I sighed and walked through to get a drink. Following behind was Edward who grabbed me by my arm and whispered in my ear

"You ever try that again, you will. It have legs to run with, we will sort this later" he said before walking off to speak to his friends. I swallowed in fear and sat down on a chair.

Elijah walked over to me, very quietly "meet me on the balcony now" he whispered before disappearing into the crowd.

I was careful when walking through, just in case I was questioned by others close to Edward where I was going. Or in case Edward caught me and I left Elijah standing alone waiting for me.

I walked through the doors and closed them behind me. I looked at Elijah, who was admiring the view of the moon and stars

"They are so close to us tonight don't you think?" He asked

"I've never really noticed them that much" I answered, he turned around to me and smiled

"Oh, so she does speak" he laughed in unison with me and I walked up beside him, leaning on the balcony

"Yes, she does have a voice, but nobody appreciates it" I joked. Elijah's smile dropped and he turned around to me

"In all seriousness Amelia, what was it that you were running from?" He asked me. I didn't know if I trusted him enough to tell him my problems, but I found a better way

"I'll answer your question if you answer mine, what are you?" I asked

"Excuse me?" He replied, very confused

"In the woods, your friend, Niklaus? Well he was really strong and his face..."

"... I thought you didn't see that" he interrupted "well I'll tell you my secret and you tell me yours. Me and my brother Niklaus, are the very first vampires made, the originals" he explained, one part of me was terrified, I wanted to run, but another felt honoured that he trusted me, and so I trusted him

"I was taken away from my mother when I was a baby, I was brought here and raised in isolation, no contact other than my tutor and Andrew. I then was forced to marry his son, Edward, who is a very violent man, I've tried to run away multiple times but I was always caught" I answered

"Just like this time?" He asked "what does he do?"

"Yes, just like this time. When we are alone and the party is over, the chances are that he will beat me near death and leave me to recover in time for our wedding" my heart broke as I said it, it was the sad truth that I was trying to keep away "but there was one time I was so near to escaping him, it felt like a weight off my shoulders" I sighed

I ran into my room crying, that's what I do now a days, running and crying. I had just been caught by his guards and brought back home, if I could call this home. At the minute, he was running errands, which left me in a state of fear, he will kill me, or almost kill me... But not if I kill myself.

I drew the pin out of my hair and used it as a key to enter the box I had hidden in my drawers. Inside was a shiny dagger, I exhaled and lifted out of the box. Examining it, the light reflected off it like a small mirror.

Without thinking, I lifted the dagger and plunged it into my stomach

"He then took me to the nurse and healed me, but I was so close" I closed my eyes and imagined how close I was to being free

"Wow, you really wanted out that bad" he stated, like he had just watched my thoughts, I looked at him shocked "oh yeah, a vampire power, I can read your thoughts" he smiled, I returned the smile.

Elijah out his hand on mine, which I instantly recoiled. "Amelia, I can see you are not happy here"

"Which part gave it away my lord" I said sarcastically, he snorted whilst laughing. I never had experienced a nice gentleman such as this, maybe this is what falling in love feels like. But I am certainly not ready for a relationship, even if I get out if my wedding

"Let's get out of here, you, me and Niklaus, we can go to our manor until we decide on where we go next" he mentioned

"Elijah, I barely know you, how do I know you're not going to use me as an all you can eat buffet?" I raised an eyebrow

"We will treat you with respect and not as a walking piece of meat, you have my word" he started

"And his word means everything to him" a voice called from behind

"Niklaus" Elijah started

"Elijah, if you are done trying to woo this girl, and if she does want to come with us, I suggest we leave now, his lordship is getting very agitated about the absence of his bride" he smiled, like he thought it was a joke.

I turned to Elijah and nodded, but before we left , I removed the silver band wrapped around my ring finger and placed it on the balconies edge.

This could be it... I could finally get away from here

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