Chapter 7

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*Amelia's POV*

Maybe if I just go downstairs for a bit, I can always come up if I don't feel like it. Look at me, convincing myself to go downstairs and socialise, I used to love talking to people.

But there was one extra reason I was avoiding downstairs, I was avoiding Elijah for a bit, because if I see him again, I might do something stupid and I don't want to.

I played around with my hair, trying to get the curls to fall nicely, as I had been to sleep and they were untamed.

Again, I heard the familiar creek of the door go, and the oh so familiar steps. My back was turned to the door, but I had guessed who it was from the beginning.

"Elij..." I was about to say his name as I turned around, but I was interrupted by the cool and soft feel of his lips push against mine.

His hands fell to the bottom of my back and my hands placed gently on his shoulders. My back was pushed up against the wall as his body pressed against mine.

I managed to take a breath and place my index finger against his mouth

"Baby steps, my love" I smiled "I'm not that kind of girl" I giggled. I watched as his mouth curled in the form of a crooked smile.

The night had fallen quickly, the two brothers have left me alone to sort out something in the town, they were very secretive about it all, but I couldn't have cared less.

I was dancing around my room, this was the happiest I had been in a long time. I hummed a song that I heard Elijah humming the other day, but I stopped when I heard a bang downstairs.

I stepped down quickly, despite my paranoia, I did feel very confident, despite the fact that it was dark and I was alone.

What I first saw was the broken vase of red roses scattered across the floor. I shook my head, wondering what could have knocked this over. But a white piece of paper caught my eye on the table.

I picked it up and unfolded it carefully, reading the 8 small words printed in a familiar hand

Meet me in the middle of the maze

Now, who could have written this? Who would want me so desperately to meet them one? I joked with myself. With the events that happened today, of course it would have been Elijah.


*Elijah's POV*

Me and Niklaus stalked around the house for a bit, planning out what we were going to do. I was going in to Edward's room to find him whilst Niklaus distracted or mauled the guards.

It was easy to enter, as we had already been invited in previously. Nobody had realised we entered, but the guards were planted everywhere, by doors, roaming.

I nudged Niklaus, sending the signal for him to begin the distraction.

"Gentlemen!" I heard Niklaus' voice become quieter, as he walked closer to the guards.

I snuck around the corner and into his room, which was baron, completely empty. I rested my hand on the wall beside me, thinking where else he could be.

"Niklaus, we need to have a word with these men" I shouted, walking out of the room, he looked at me confused

"He's not in there" I explained, shaking my head

"Okay, boys, we are going to ask a few questions and you are going to answer them truthfully or your heads will be deposited on the end of a spike in my back garden" he smiled, the guards looked puzzled and oddly frightened

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