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Trigger Warning! ⚠️

Armoy, Ireland

"Pack it up boys, we're done for the day." One of the guards men says, as the sound of chains being put away rang throughout the room.

Genesis was numb. Numb to the very core.

Her eyes laid soely on the wall in front of her, her body firm, unmoving. It was times like these that made her wonder if she was still alive, if she was still apart of life. If she had disappeared for just a mere second in time.

Genesis body laid as stiff as a dead corpse. It was only the mere blinking that she did occasionally brought her back to reality. She tried countless times to try and get her mind to think of her mate, anything about him.

Even if it was just the mere thought of his hair strands, big toe, something. But, those thoughts never came. Her mind and heart was only crowded with one question.

Why hadn't Ezra come for her? Why hadn't he come looking for her?

As the many beatings, draping, and torment carried on, that had been the only thing on Genesis mind. She kept holding on to the hope of him returning to her, to save her.

But, as each day went by, that hope began to slowly fade away and the thought of Genesis sweet Ezra ever coming to get what was his, was only a dream, too good to be true.

'maybe his love for me, is not enough to save me? Maybe a love so strong is perhaps to weak to be saved' Genesis thought.

And with that thought, Genesis discarded every fragment of love, affection and caring from her inner being.


"Hurry! Before Master Cain comes to check up on her." A hush voice says that snapped Genesis out of her dazed state. Sleeping was no use to a body that was basically dead.

"She's too unconscious to even realize what's happening. It'll be a piece of cake." A guard says. The cell doors then come to an open, the lights flickering to lit up the cold dark cell room, and in come three kryster guards.

Genesis looked up with fear in her eyes, knowing the intentions they had in their heart. She wanted to scream, thrash, do some sort of action to call for help. But, actions like those in a place like this belonged to deaf ears.

"She looks terrible." One guard remarks, looking her up and down distastefully.

"She's gonna look even worse because I won't be giving her any food tonight." The guard to the right remarks. "I was trying to tighten her chains and she only bit me on my arm."

"She's lucky to even be breathing. I would've chopped her head clean off by now." The guard to the left said.

"But, we can't do any of those things." The middle guard says, looking down at her. "Master would kill us."

"You're like the walking dead at this point." The same guard says, stopping to her meet her frame. "If it wasn't for master, I would've had my way with you a long time ago."

"Such a long time ago." He whispers in her ears, pushing a strand of hair behind her ears. "You may look bad but, your curves hasn't gone unnoticed."

"If it were up to me, I'd rip every single clothing from your body, lock you in my bedroom and never stop mating with you until I'm satisfied." The left guard says. "You'd be begging me to stop, and I wouldn't listen because I'll never be done."

It's true. The hormones and stamina of a kryster never runs thin or diminishes. Mating with one is almost like a suicide mission. Which is why they don't reproduce by mating.

The Queen's Sunrise | Starkys Series #2Where stories live. Discover now